Climate Change and Dystopia

d1d1793bbe65f334595a6c4de8dc9f93_LWhile the content of the cartoon below is factual in many respects, keep this in mind: climate change will not ruin the lives of rich people.  Regardless of how dystopian the world becomes, there will always be temperate weather, clean air and water (somewhere), summer homes, rib-eye steaks, Italian shoes, as well as great sports cars and hot girls who are impressed by them.

To the rest of the world’s population: prepare to suffer.


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2 comments on “Climate Change and Dystopia
  1. marcopolo says:


    Remind me again, which chapter of the Old Testament you are from and where are your sack cloth and ashes ?

    For myself, those Azure skies, Rib eyes,clean air and water, summer homes, rib-eye steaks, Italian shoes, great sports cars and hot girls who are impressed by them, sound pretty good.

    Beware the green eyed monster disguised as public concern, for the hypocrite shall clad himself in the garb of moral virtue to secretly spoil bright beauty and joy.

    The monster lies concealed just beneath the surface of the deceiving hypocrite, masquerading as concern for the welfare of others, the rot not visible on the countenance which may indeed be fair and pleasing to behold, but the rot is deep within the soul and heart of the hypocrite their the monster lurks gathering strength to wrought the most evil deeds and quickly disappear back under cover should the light of true virtue penetrate into the woven web.

    Hmmm…. the above may have been written in the 17th century, but it’s still very applicable.

  2. This is true. Money can buy almost anything, except happiness. The rich will be able to survive due to fancy air conditioners and botanists. Unfortunately, the middle and lower class will not survive. We need to watch what we are doing to our environment.