From Guest Blogger Hannah Thomas: Six Rules for Reducing Your Energy Consumption

holding-the-sun-silhouette-640x480Reducing energy consumption is a process and one that needs you to change your lifestyle and habits to some extent. But it will save you money by lowering your bills and at the same time lower the pollution created by non-renewable sources. If you want to go green, here are some rules that will help you reduce your energy consumption and become a part of the eco-friendly community.

1. Use LED and CFL lights

LED and CFL bulbs use less power and have thus improved the energy efficient lighting. CFL or compact fluorescent lights are smaller versions of the full-sized fluorescents. LED or light emitting diode are clustered with diffuser lenses which are more expensive than CFL, but also more popular due to their long lifespan.
Incandescent bulbs are banned from Australia, China, and many Asian and Latin American countries which saved millions of dollars on an annual level. It also prevented tons of greenhouse gasses to pollute the environment.

2. Service HVAC system regularly

HVAC system needs regular servicing and maintenance to work properly. Not only will faulty HVAC system affect the quality of air in your home, but it will also use more energy. Additionally, it will emit more energy by overworking itself to compensate its faultiness or malfunction.
Dirty air filters will slow down the airflow and so the device has to work harder so you will receive the desired air temperature. “Replacing a dirty, clogged filter with a clean one can lower your air conditioner’s energy consumption by 5% to 15%,” says Energy Saver at the U.S. Department of Energy. So change the filters at least every three months, and clean the whole unit once a year for the best results.

3. Improve insulation

Check your windows and doors for faulty sealants or walls for cracks that might be responsible for undesirable temperatures in your home. Also, make sure that you have insulation in your walls since that will considerably help you maintain a comfortable temperature without overusing the HVAC system. New windows and doors, as well as insulation works, are expensive but it will not only help you reduce the energy consumption, but also create a pleasant environment in your home.

4. Use Energy Star appliances

Buying new appliances with Energy Star rating may be quite an investment but you will quickly see it paying off through your monthly power bill. Energy Star appliances use less energy to work and almost every brand has its series of these eco-friendly variants. When buying an appliance, look for a label that states its energy star rating is A+++ meaning it’s the most efficient.

5. Turn off appliances and devices

Whenever you are not using certain appliances and devices, turn them off and even unplug them from the power source. Turning off the lights, TV, and the computer can help lower your energy consumption. Additionally, it will preserve them and prolong their lifespan since non-stop use can shorten it.

6. Switch to solar energy

Many governments support their citizens in using the solar energy to power their homes. In Australia, Brisbane City Council offers guidance to those who want to cut down their personal gas emissions by delivering projects that will help with that. Every local electrician in Brisbane can tell you the advantages of solar energy in the sunniest city in Australia, one among them being that lower electricity bills.

But Australia is not the only country with an environmentally supportive government. The trend is more and more present in the world, and solar panels are becoming more frequent in residential homes.


The planet is already presenting the signs of environmental neglect and economic situation is still on rocky feet for many world countries. Reducing your energy consumption will affect both of these issues in a positive way and mitigate their impact on everyday life. Therefore, by implementing some changes, you can improve the quality of your life and the environment.

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