Hey! Wanna Go Plant Some Trees?

seedballsReforestation is a big deal as a strategy in climate change mitigation, as green plants absorb carbon throughout their lives.

Unfortunately, they almost always dispense it back into the atmosphere when they die, whether in fires, decomposition, or eaten as food, but it’s still good to capture that carbon, albeit for a finite period of time, while our civilization develops new and better technologies for achieving this purpose.

So, let’s look at methods for planting trees quickly, easily, and inexpensively.  I know next to nothing about this, but I have to say that the technology described in this video looks like a truly great idea.


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One comment on “Hey! Wanna Go Plant Some Trees?
  1. That seems like an amazing concept! Another thing w could do is to make paper farms, where we grow trees for paper and replant them. Only issue is that this would only work in large-scale farms since we need an everlasting flow of paper.