From Guest Blogger Manjusha Advenser: Three Reasons to Love Sustainable Architecture

download (1)We all love to safeguard the environment or at least we should.  However, when it comes to implementing any sustainable practices like green architecture in actuality – we often fail.  One of the major reasons for this myth is its catastrophic reputation of being too costly and complexity in implementation.  In this blog post, we will see how sustainable architecture shall be one of your smartest investment.

Yes, you heard it right – one of the smartest investment you can make which includes, saving money, health benefits, and environmental benefits.

Did I mention, ‘smartest investment’?


Reason #1:  Sustainability saves you a Couple of Bucks

Let’s be open here, when it comes to a new house, most often budget becomes the bottom line.  Having a nice theory and news on environment-friendliness would be enough to attract an average house owner unless it offers lucrative.  Fortunately, sustainable architecture is one of the sharpest financial decision any house owner or a family can make.  To make it simple, let’s cut down the savings a house owner can make.

Quick Return on Investment (ROI):  As per McGraw Hill Construction’s Green Outlook 2011, there is an improvement in ROI of 19% on average and 10% on new projects for green structures.

Minimize the Living Cost:  As the homeowner saves on the initial investment, the World Green Building Council says that, sustainable architecture saves energy by $5-$15 per square foot and water savings up to $2 per square foot.

Raise in Resale Value:  As per the study conducted by Earth Advantage Institute, houses which are energy efficient certified get 8% more value when compared with others.


Reason #2:  Sustainable Architecture are Healthy

Ever thought that sustainable architecture can keep you and your family healthy, it’s true, and they really do!  The building is able to increase cleaner environment for living that can definitely impact positively on your family’s health.  Quality of the air is one of the major factors for health.  Traditional buildings come with pollutants which on overexposure leads to headaches and allergies.

However, the story is entirely different when it comes to sustainable architecture.  They do have a better ventilation system and isolates from outside elements.  Reports from Boston House Authority states that homeowners from sustainable architecture are less prone to illness.  The heavy insolation provided by the sustainable architecture comes with added benefits such as lower fluctuation in temperature and outside noise.

This a step closer towards a life which assures comfort and peace – something which your family deserves and you can never avoid!


Reason #3:  Sustainable Architecture Improve the Environment

Global warming is not a hoax and we need to make sure that we give our children an Earth which is livable.  We need to come up with solutions for a better and cleaner environment that will benefit our future generation.  Sustainable architecture is one of such promises we can rely on.  This architecture has its own ways to combat with these changes which include lower energy emission, clean energy generation from renewable resources and reprocessing building materials rather than throwing them away as waste.



Sustainable architecture comes with a trendy reputation.  In fact, many believe that’s it is cool but not practical.  This article on sustainable architecture and various studies and reports shows that it saves money, provides a healthy living environment and helps our environment.  When something provides these many benefits, it assures a great investment.

Author-bio:  Manjusha M. Nair works as a digital marketing analyst at Advenser.  A company specialized in offering BIM modeling services in AECC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction, and Civil) industry.  She devotes her time to analyze the latest trends in AECC industry to create new marketing campaigns.  In her free time, she spends time with her beloved husband traveling and learning cooking hacks.

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