High-Altitude Wind

altaeros_wind_turbineThe subject of high-altitude wind isn’t new.  Who wouldn’t want to tap into the steadier and higher velocity wind that lies, say, 1000 feet above the surface of the Earth?  Yet this concept seemed to have died over the last few years, perhaps when it became obvious that the levelized cost of energy from any conceivable device would not justify its development.

What we see in this video, however, is a walking back of the grandiose claims that we heard earlier.   Does this make sense when coupled with the need for a weather observatory?  Of course.  What about bringing power to emergency locations in remote areas?  Potentially.

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One comment on “High-Altitude Wind
  1. That looks like an amazing idea, but an even better one is the wing 7 (https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/energy/a7181/a-turbine-to-tap-the-high-winds-at-1300-feet/). It’s from 2011, but it’s a really great idea.