The Rank and File Trump Supporter Is Not a Happy Person

42044791_2099210040395362_1958447500054495232_nSince last Sunday, I’ve been heads down writing the marketing section of a business plan for a company in bio jet fuel, so I haven’t had too much time for blogging.

It’s always nice to work for a client whose products make the world a better place.

Having said that, on a brief break just now I just came across the meme here, which compelled me to write this short post.  The author here nailed it, IMO.

Of course, there are two general classes of Trump supporters: a) the amoral rich who like the tax breaks (perhaps 15%), and the racist/hateful members of the American working class (the other ~85%).

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7 comments on “The Rank and File Trump Supporter Is Not a Happy Person
  1. marcopolo says:


    “there are two general classes of Trump supporter: a) the amoral rich who like the tax breaks (perhaps 15%), and the racist/hateful members of the American working class (the other ~85%)”.

    I detect a certain weariness in your “never Trump” rants. Like most of his more rabid opponents you have nothing left to offer but the same old abuse, full of hatred and bile.

    That’s always been the problem for the Anti-Trump critics, eventually you run out of lies and distortions.

    The truth is you can’t seem to grasp this is a new President for a new era. The President can’t be identified by the old Washington politics of ideology and political party doctrines. (and never was) a situation you don’t seem to be able to grasp.

    In desperation, you cling to outmoded and irrelevant old doctrines like desperate survivors clinging to a life raft. You have nothing new to offer, except increasingly disgraceful public behavior and a betrayal of all the principals you once believed in so fervently.

    Desperate behaviour indeed !

    After nearly two years and a great deal of trauma, it looks as though John O’Dowd got it right, when he stated, “The entire inquiry appears to be the product of a conspiracy by the Democratic National Committee, Fusion GPS and others conspired with corrupt senior FBI and intelligence officials to use the now discredited Steele dossier to undermine the Trump Presidency.”

    The Mueller Inquiry is slowly running out of steam in pursuing it’s original agenda and is now is little more than a political device to harass the President.

    Senators like California’s Dianne Feinstein (Dem), a long time paid lobbyist for Communist China with close links deep inside the Communist Party of China and ’employer’ of Chinese espionage agents. A person who has admitted making tens of millions from her contacts with China and is desperate to defeat the President’s trade policies, suddenly attacks a Presidential judicial appointment, at the last moment with an allegation so unreliable and lacking in credibility as to be farcical.

    The worst part of all this is the manner in which the Anti-Trump forces are betraying everything in which they once believed.

    Old concepts of decency, “innocent until proven guilty by fair and impartial due process” have been abandoned, along with not encouraging bad, or even criminal, assaults on public officials and harassment of their families.

    It seems the liberal-left has given itself permission to sink to any depths to “get Trump”. It’s this sort of “end justifies the means” philosophy that is creating so much hatred and division.

    You are part of the problem. By insulting 63 million Americans, (and many others who agree with some of Trump’s policies) you just increase the level of animosity and intolerance in American political life.

    CNN, NYT, Atlantic etc, have all adopted the same attitude as the more hysterical liberal legislators proudly go along with the reasoning of a media mob that treats the mere existence of an accusation as proof of its veracity?

    Perhaps the Atlantic writer who claimed that her own run-in with a pervert meant that Kavanaugh is also guilty, is at least the most honest. Has the lesson the Rolling Stone Magazine’s University of Virginia fiasco about the importance of listening to the accused as well as the accusers, been so quickly forgotten?.

    It’s of very little value in working for a client with a product of dubious practical merit like aviation bio-fuel, if you sell out all your moral principles to join a rabid mob to propagate hatred and intolerance.

    • craigshields says:

      Those who resist Trump are people who “propagate hatred and intolerance?” Who the f is stupid enough to believe that? And you really think that readers here don’t understand that you’re paid to write this crap?

  2. marcopolo says:


    Oh dear, yet it’s not me who just insulted and denigrated 62 million of my fellow citizens. So far, to the best of my knowledge, no Trump supporters have turned up at a baseball park armed to kill GOP legislators, only failing because of the courage of the police.

    No, that was a deranged Bernie Saunders campaign worker!

    Trump supporters don’t gather in mobs to revile and abuse off duty White House employees, their partners and children, that sort of behavior is encouraged by ranking leading Democrats.

    Trump supporters don’t call for call for the assassination of the President and murder of his family, that behaviour is restricted to Democrat legislators. Nor do Trump supporters call for the kidnap and rape by pedophiles of the President’s twelve year old child.

    The list of hatred by the “Never Trump” crowd is far to lengthy to numerate here, even your own criticism of the President and his supporters is on occasion intolerant and extreme.

    (A good example of your paranoia is the ludicrous suggestion anyone who doesn’t share your hatred of the President and his millions of supporters must be a “paid agent” !)

    All public figures and Political parties attract a fringe element of deranged ‘supporters’ who misunderstand (often deliberately) the main message.

    It’s sad to see the once idealistically principled Democrat Party of RFK, descending into hypocrisy and abandoning or destroying long held principles out of a desire for political opportunism and paranoid hysteria.

    Even sadder, is witnessing once tolerant advocates like yourself, become so inured to the language of abuse and divisive attitude that you feel justified in insulting more than 60 million of your fellow citizens.

    I don’t have to be paid by any mysterious agency to plead for civility, moderation, fairness, understanding, honesty and tolerance in public discourse.

    What’s truly sad, is once you also espoused exactly the same sentiments.

    • craigshields says:

      I’m sorry, but no one with the intelligence of a bunch of carrots believes that Trump supporters are better, less violent and hateful people than Bernie Sanders supporters. I know you’re paid to write this crap, but please tell the total ass**** who employs you that his dollars are wasted here.

      Btw, the number of Trump supporters has fallen far and fast from the numbers you quote. You know that.

      • marcopolo says:


        Hmmm,…. I not sure about the intelligence of carrots, but I believe the number of the President’s supporters has remained remarkably consistent.

        From those I have met and spoken to I can only observe, most seem ordinary, sensible Americans who love their families and care about their communities and future of America.

        I would say the same about the majority of those Americans who voted against the President, including many of those whom ardently support Bernie Saunders.

        What is undeniable is remarkable the level of support for the President among previously “bolt on” Democrat voting blue collar workers. In my experience, and from the evidence of public behavior the organized hysteria, irrational abuse and acts of violence are in the majority always from the crazy American extreme left.

        No one can deny it was a deranged campaign worker for Bernie Saunders who armed himself with an assault rifle and attempted to kill a number of US GOP legislators and police at at a baseball game. It was only the bravery of the police that prevented a massacre.

        I haven’t met a single Trump supporter who holds Bernie Saunders responsible for the actions of this individual, but several prominent rabid Democrat politicians have publicly called for the assassination of the President and murder of his family.

        How do equate the call by Peter Fonda to have the Pre4sident’s 12 year old son ” ripped from his mothers arms and put in a cage and raped by pedophiles” , with being less violent or abusive ?

        I don’t believe in screaming at people in restaurants to be a valid method of public political discourse, and I don’t believe in your heart of hearts, your think such conduct is acceptable either.

        If nothing else, contrast the anger and hostility in your own remarks toward my plea for moderation and civil discourse.

        I can only repeat, it’s sad when otherwise well intentioned people like yourself believe that anyone pleading for civility, moderation, fairness, understanding, honesty and tolerance in public discourse, must be paid by some mysterious “employer”.

        (I only wish I could find such a person :))

        I would, and have, defended the right for Senator Saunders to publicly express his opinions and expect the Senator and his family to be treated civilly and his policies and opinions to be the subject of criticism not himself or his family. Populist political figures like Donald Trump need the oxygen provided by passionate, even rabid opponents to maintain the drama and theatre of national politics. The more rabid his opponents, the more loyal his supporters.

        President Trump needs violent, even extreme opposition to keep his hold on the rank and file of the GOP. Without that support the professional GOP politicians and traditional GOP hierarchy wouldn’t remain cooperative.

        I suspect, the President is secretly hoping for a “Blue Wave”, then any electoral promises unfulfilled can be blamed on the Democrat opposition.

        I’m about to return to the US, for the purpose of, among other business affairs, expanding my humble antipodean clean tech enterprise by cementing a relationship with an American manufacturer of clean technology. These folks and their workers attribute their continued existence to President Trump’s policies.

        These folk are the very model of good citizens, good neighbours, kind, hardworking employers, passionate practical environmentalists and committed to all the values you claim to hold yourself.

        So, I ask myself, why would you be so ferociously contemptuous and hostile toward these folks simply because they voted for a President you dislike ?

    • What’s sad is that you need to reply to everything Craig says. If you truly believed in what you were saying, you wouldn’t be reading this blog and “correcting” Craig. Now would you stop being a baby and just move along.

      • marcopolo says:


        On many, in fact most issues, Craig and I agree. We both share a common desire to promote the environmental benefits of clean(er) technology to improve the environment. We share in common with most people for our children to inherit a better world.

        I don’t believe Craig really considers himself a preacher delivering a sermon to true believers and compliant acolytes !

        Over the years I’ve enjoyed many of the interesting and informative debates on this forum, which is the purpose of including a comments section.

        I respect and admire many of the principles Craig advocates, even when his methods are counter-productive.

        By his own admission many of the original contributors to this blog have lost interest or been alienated by Craig growing obsession with Presidential political and the language of the radical.

        Craig’s voice, like many other environmental advocates, is important. His voice is particularly important in an area of clean technology where I also hold interest.

        I believe the US and much of Western society is sliding toward extremism. The only way to counter such a trend, (in my opinion)is not to do nothing, but encourage through debate and persuasion those people I consider valuable voices back to the path of moderation and civility.

        We all need “correction”, it’s how we learn ! I don’t require anyone to believe what I believe, and I’m grateful when anyone points out when I’m wrong or in error.

        It’s important to be able to disagree with what people advocate, without abusing or denigrating the person themselves.

        When Craig, describes the 62 million Americans who voted for the President, (even moderates like myself who merely agree with some of the President’s policies), as:

        ” a) the amoral rich who like the tax breaks (perhaps 15%), and the racist/hateful members of the American working class (the other ~85%)”.

        ……Craig automatically alienates 62 million (or more) people from whom we all need support to advance and adopt clean(er)technology and the role it plays in promoting a better environment.

        I’m sure, like me, you would like Craig’s message to reach the widest audience possible, not just a small coterie of like minded sycophants, ?