Comin’ At Ya from Gettysburg

B06642F1-63A8-440D-923F-FB80BE0994FE_w1023_r1_sBack on the East Coast for a wedding and a short vacation; time for blogging will be sporadic over the next week.

We’re actually near Gettysburg, PA, a reminder of the phrase “… a government of, by, and for the people shall not vanish from the Earth.” Good luck with that, America.

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3 comments on “Comin’ At Ya from Gettysburg
  1. marcopolo says:


    I hope you have an enjoyable road trip in the cradle of the civil war.

    Now is you really want to enjoys yourself may your should venture a little up highway I 76 W to Jennerstown,PA where you can enjoy warm hospitality of Betty Rhoads, owner of the Coal Miner’s Cafe in Jennerstown, The town is named in honour of a great hero of mine, Dr. Edward Jenner, discoverer of vaccine smallpox.

    In Jennerstown, you can meet a former lifelong Democrat, proud of the President she voted for in 2016 who has, in her opinion and that of her community, kept faith with the voters.

    Experience her cheerful, caring, optimistic personality and she if you still want to class her and her fellow pleasant, kindly townsfolk as “the amoral rich who like the tax breaks or and the racist/hateful members of the American working class ?

    Just a short distance away, you could visit the old Coal mining town of Boswell. For nearly 100 years the Boswell coal mine was polluted the Quemahoning Creek, yet today, the Town can boast one of the most successful reclamation and rehabilitation projects in existence.

    Or just keep going for another 40 minutes or so in the same direction to the the town of Waynesburg,Green County where you could drop in this Friday at the VFW American Legion Post and enjoy a band and a fine old fashioned robust meal, while enjoying sharing a beverage or two with trump supporters, who you would be ashamed to call either “the amoral rich or racist/hateful members of the American working class”.

    Then again, you could take the interesting and historic drive up to Harrisburg, once the heartland of Democrat loyalists, now solidly Trump supporters.

    But, then again, perhaps it’s not such a great idea, it never good to have your illusions shattered and look as irrelevant, shabby and foolish as the sad, pathetic, little group of 14 misfit anti Kavanaugh protesters on the steps of the Harrisburg Courthouse.

    In a way I can understand your blinkered desire to see only that which you want to see. It’s very hard to admit error and it’s even harder to break from the prejudices of your peers. It’s lonely being no longer being convinced of your righteousness and superiority, and one of a herd.

    On a lighter note, I’m sure your and your mother would enjoy refreshments at Dobbin House Tavern,(89 Steinwehr Avenue, Gettysburg). The owners provide an interesting guide to covered bridges and other historic places in Adams County, PA.

    Happy Trails !

  2. The events that are happening in America are terrible. All the racism, shootings, and gang wars are tearing this country apart. If we don’t do something soon, America will most likely cease to exist, instead, it will just be hate and war.

  3. marcopolo says:


    Not being an American, perhaps I’ve got an advantage when it comes to perspective.

    Over the last 40 years the US has become far less racist and less violent. That may not be the perception of people exposed to the non=stop US 24 hour sensationalist news cycle, but it’s true non the less.

    Over the last 20 months the US is disengaging from foreign military adventures and violent crime is actually decreasing with rising employment and the hope of greater prosperity.

    In the 1960’s membership of white supremacist organizations numbered in the early 1960’s numbered hundreds of thousand, even millions, when the population was less than 190 million.

    Today, even with the encouragement of the internet linking misanthropes as never before, and 330 million people living in the US, the entire racist coterie of fringe lunatics would be lucky to muster 20-30,000! (less than 0.001%)

    The hysteria and sensationalizing of events by the media will calm down as the public will eventually grow tired of all the breathless sensationalism.

    Remember what FDR said,” The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself ” !