Identifying Techno-Frauds: Easiest Way To Spot a BS Claim in Science and Technology

Of the many ways to invalidate a scientific claim, by far the best and fastest is to show that it violates the laws of physics.  Here’s a concept for offshore wind turbines that claims to be three times more efficient than current technology37031057_632244153807861_7787634065452040192_n.  Given that what we have now extracts more than 80% of the theoretically available energy from the wind, we need look no further at the concept itself.

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One comment on “Identifying Techno-Frauds: Easiest Way To Spot a BS Claim in Science and Technology
  1. I hate seeing claims that are as preposterous as this. I don’t understand why people do this. Money? If so, then I fear that it will be a lot harder than we think to prevent global warming.