In Sustainable Food, As In All Things, Be Prepared for False Claims

maxresdefault (14)Here’s an article from an ostensibly environmentalist, anti-GMO group (“Organic Consumers”), making the specious claim that plant-based meat is a “chemical concoction,” and that eliminating livestock is terrible for the planet.  What are we to make of it? I guess the choice is up to the individual, but I’m immediately suspicious that this is a front group for Big Cow.

I absolutely love the way these names are chosen.  Here are some front groups of the Koch Brothers:

Tell me, are there any Americans that aren’t for prosperity or the Bill of Rights?  Can you introduce me to some Americans who favor poverty or tyranny?  Put alternatively, How stupid do you think we are?

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One comment on “In Sustainable Food, As In All Things, Be Prepared for False Claims
  1. marcopolo says:


    What indeed can be made of an organization called the “Organic Consumers Association” ?

    Well even a modicum of research would have informed you the OCA is a long established fringe activist group of pretty radical organic-vegan activists and is largely a creation of one Ronnie Cummins a anti-GMO fanatic of long standing.

    His(and his many followers) hate the dishonest and deceptive claims by synthetic artificial meat promoters as sincerely as they hate Monasato, and GMO ! (With the same very little logic and willingness to listen to reason).

    I’m not sure if this group has ever disputed the size of Cows, big or small, but they’re certainly not fond of meat. In fact the tactics employed by members of this group in opposition to meat has on occasion led to terms of imprisonment for some of their more radical members.

    But hey, it’s a clever trick to label any critics of your beloved, but unhealthy food product, as being funded by the Koch brothers ! It’s a neat trick to Just add a few totally irrelevant names on a list, and presto !, without any evidence, you have “guilt by association”, a tactic used more and more by increasingly desperate leftists.

    I would think the title ‘Koch Family Foundations’ is pretty self evident, wouldn’t you ?

    But then again, research and accuracy isn’t really one of your stronger points is it ? What possible grounds could you have for believing the ‘Heritage Foundation’ is a ” front group of the Koch Brothers” ?

    If people want to eat synthetic chemical meat substitutes, that’s their business, all that’s required is like all consumer food products the exact nature of the ingredients should be made available in plain English so consumers can make an informed choice.

    (MSG should be labelled MSG additive, or mono-sodium Glutamate, not “flavor enhancer” nor should Stem cells from slaughtered calves and calf embryos should not be described as “Vegetarian ingredients” ).