Saying Bye to Coal

merlin_131805881_38f90319-6c9b-4546-adb6-e579daf079e1-master768Here’s the best news you’ve had all day. This short but fabulous video explains why coal is a “goner” in the U.S. electricity grid-mix. Though it mentions environmental issues, the real driver, as always, is market economics; coal can’t compete with renewables and natural gas.

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One comment on “Saying Bye to Coal
  1. marcopolo says:


    That’s it ? That’s the best you can do? A twee little simplistic bit of out of date and inaccurate video someone posted on ‘Facebook’ ?

    Coal remains over 40% of the global power supply, the use of coal is increasing steadily especially in developing nations.

    The rate of renewable generation has more or less plateaued and may be in decline with so many new heavy users of electricity emerging driving up consumption as domestic consumption has stopped falling in most part of the world.

    Not only are scientists revising their assessments and priorities to look more favorably on Clean(er) Coal technology but the non-power uses for Coal by products is increasing in economic value.

    Set against forecasts of increased prices for natural gas due to increasing demand from Asia and Western Europe, Coal is steadily gaining acceptance again.

    The fight against Coal will fail, just as surely as all those silly, doomed law suits against the oil industry.

    In an era when technology is ‘king’, no technology should be excluded out of bias or prejudiced and all technologies should be evaluated with objective, practical and open-mined examination.

    This sort of undergraduate propaganda isn’t helpful, it’s just counter-productive.

    Oh, and I’m not being “negative”, just realistic !