Let’s Applaud Wales for its Historic Action on Climate

94735-004-0E49245BThough England is the de facto language of Wales, anyone who’s ever struggled through a conversation in that part of the world knows that the accent, along with an occasional Welsh word or phrase thrown in makes spoken communication intensely difficult.  Yet that’s one of very few things not to like about this amiable small country (pop. 3 million) that leads the world in castles per square mile.

The land, already rich in history, just made one more mark on the world with their decision to leave fossil fuels in the ground and transitioning to clean energy, pledging to derive 70% of their energy from renewables by 2030.

It’s always nice to be able to say something good about today’s people, especially given the circumstances.

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One comment on “Let’s Applaud Wales for its Historic Action on Climate
  1. marcopolo says:


    Wales is not actually a separate country, but an integral part of the UK.The local government has less authority than an American State and has no power to independently negotiate with the EU organization since the UK is in the final stages of leaving longer that organization. (although the Guardian newspaper will probably remain).

    The Welsh Government is in the happy position of making all kinds of announcements, content in the knowledge that any failures can be blamed on the central government.