Greed: The Religion of the Billionaire Class

10710717_10152331303110493_1863995578928570302_nWhat Bernie Sanders says here may or may not be correct.  I see no evidence that the nation won’t survive its transition from democracy to oligarchy, at least on the basis of economics or politics.  It’s very possible, in fact it may be inevitable, that the middle class will largely disappear as the transfer of wealth to the top 0.1% continues unabated.  We are currently experiencing this vicious cycle, as people who lose their capacity to keep up financially eventually realize that their votes are meaningless, drop out of the political process, and offer up even more power to the super-rich.

The morality of all this, of course, is another matter entirely.  We are a nation that, at one time, believed that it would be a bad thing for a government of the people, by the people, and for the people to perish from the Earth.  We seem to have abandoned that belief.



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