Getting Money out of Politics

44876147_10157410417457908_8271125191162068992_nWell, it could have been done at the time TR said this; now that’s not so clear.  Yet as recently as a few years ago, it seems that the move to overturn Citizens United and get money out of politics was gaining ground, since such a change is endorsed by virtually the entirety of the political spectrum, from the anti-fascists to the tea party.  

Now, we live in a defocused world where one distraction after another whipsaws the public attention from shootings to caravans to indictments to kneeling football players to pipe bombs to environmental catastrophe to the attack on journalism.

Of course, there will be a quantum reduction to this chaos, whether it comes in 2020, or, deo volente, soon after we learn the findings of the Mueller investigations.

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