The Trump Phenomenon Is Bizarre

45008533_2528730680491880_7157875629453475840_nWhat this boy’s sign means is that there is a very low probability that his dad is a Republican, since 72% of GOP voters believe that Trump is a good role model for children.

I wonder what they most admire. His complete disdain for the truth? His regular incitement of violence and approval of hate groups?  His abuse of women? His aggression in destroying the environment? His slimy business tactics? His close association with felons?20181031_112851

Day after day it becomes even more clear that our president is a disgusting human being.  Who could have predicted that 40% of the people I’m living with here would approve of this abomination?

Here’s a pic of a bumper sticker I took yesterday.  Please, let’s make it so.

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One comment on “The Trump Phenomenon Is Bizarre
  1. marcopolo says:


    Editing out you usual anti-Trump slogans, you raise an interesting point about the use of small children as weapons of political activism.

    Obviously, children possess no concept of complex political issues, and many would argue the participation of small children in potentially dangerous and violent political demonstrations is a form of child abuse.

    Contrary to that view, many parents would argue the right and even duty of parents to instill their values and political beliefs in their children and the value of encouraging children in civic life at an early age.

    I don’t really have an answer as to the morality of the parent in the picture, although I’ve always found involving small children in such situations deeply disturbing on so many levels.