Mitigating Climate Change Requires Your Involvement

45315480_10218016478469144_3629802042966409216_nIt’s not an unattainable wish to believe that someday, a responsible government acting in concert with the will of the people will take definitive actions to accelerate the transition to clean energy, perhaps via the Carbon Fee and Dividend that we’ve discussed so frequently here.  One thing’s certain: an electorate entirely unconcerned about the future of life on Earth won’t get it done.  Americans: vote on Tuesday.

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2 comments on “Mitigating Climate Change Requires Your Involvement
  1. marcopolo says:


    Carbon Taxes etc, all sound like great ideas, until you try to put them into practice and witness the consequences of implementing, idealistic, but poorly thought through, ill-conceived taxes.

    Carbon taxes are a really bad economic concept ! The argument of applying ‘moral’ restrictions to economic law only leads to a bad result. ( the Volstead act is a great example).

    The harsh reality is the US economy is under attack from fierce rivals and competition. It would be nice to think the average consumer would be happy to pay extra for price increases to cover such ‘moral expenses’, but they don’t (not in sufficient numbers).

    Those advocating such taxes are disingenuous, advocates always claim the taxes will force “big oil” pay the cost of carbon, but in reality any tax is paid by the consumer and the money raised misspent by government on additional bureaucracy.

    As the economy reacts to the loss in economic activity, decay, poverty and unemployment hits the working class first, then the middle class feels the loss of prosperity. Only the affluent, globalized insulated class enjoy a respite since their incomes are derives from more prosperous economies outside the US.

  2. August says:

    Speaking of alternative… check out the “beer can wind turbine” created by a high school drop-out, a disabled nerd, and a retired veteran: