
46493229_2328169883878639_5281923898420494336_nThe painting at the left is by my favorite living artist, Maurizio Rega, of Cava Dei Tirreni, in Campania, southern Italy, near Naples.  As you check out his work, you’ll note that he does a lot of trees.

Reforestation is an important strategy in climate change mitigation, as green plants absorb carbon throughout their lives.

Unfortunately, they almost always dispense it back into the atmosphere when they die, whether in fires, decomposition, or eaten as food, but it’s still good to capture that carbon, albeit for a finite period of time, while our civilization develops new and better technologies for achieving this purpose.

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One comment on “Reforestation
  1. marcopolo says:


    What a great painting !

    You are quite correct, trees aren’t a panacea for carbon emissions.

    However, I wholeheartedly agree with you when you say the right trees are not only environmentally beneficial, but incredibly beautiful and good for the soul.

    I think every school child has been taught the poem by the American poet, Joyce Kilmer,Trees,

    I think I shall never see
    A poem lovely as a tree. (etc)