Melting of the Arctic Sea Ice

screen_shot_2017-12-12_at_12.04.50_pmAs you watch this time-lapse video of the melting of the arctic sea ice, keep in mind that the thickness of the ice is decreasing as well.  That, of course, is not obvious from what you’re able to see, which is why there is an entire team of scientists dedicated to determining what’s happening under the surface; I had the pleasure of having dinner with the leader of the group at JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) a few years back.  

Of course, all these scientists are liberal anti-capitalists.

All kidding aside, the warming of Earth is on course to destroy much of what we know as human civilization, via dozens of different effects.  One that we see in our news is refugees.  Think of it like this:

A caravan of a few thousand starving, terrified people seeking asylum in the U.S.–not a problem, unless you get your information from Fox News

Millions of people from war-torn regions of the Middle East pouring into Europe–a significant problem

Hundreds of millions of people from all over the world, driven from their homes as massive land masses disappear due to rising sea levels–I’ll let you do the math.

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2 comments on “Melting of the Arctic Sea Ice
  1. Glenn Doty says:

    Clear and open eyed…

    Sometimes it is hard to remain optimistic. The time wasted because of fools that voted for Trump or equally stupid fools that refused to vote against him… That time will equal years of critical delay.

    It will hurt.
    But even under the best possible outlook we couldn’t have fully decarbonized for a half a century. Trump may have delayed us as much as six years, but likely no more than that.

    In the end, we still have work to do, and we have a hell of a lot of it.

    But in a hundred years, the six years that Trump cost is won’t be THAT big of a deal. We just have to make sure to do everything we can not to lose any more ground, and save what we can.