It’s Trump v. Science, But Who Cares?

trump_drumpf_buffoon_hope_colors_postcard-ref1c7fbafb444cd6906652f4ee3f55da_vgbaq_8byvr_540According to this article, climate scientists are roasting Trump over his response to his own administration’s climate-change report.

I would call this the least of Trump’s worries at this point. So, he’s a buffoon–one who constantly attacks everyone and everything that is in any way antagonistic to him; we get that.  But that’s not what’s going to get him removed. In fact, that’s an important aspect of what keeps 38% of the country behind him.

If you think that’s an outrageous claim, try to imagine what his position would be right now if he weren’t a buffoon.  Imagine that some rank and file Republican nebbish, say Jeb Bush, were president.  But add onto that a few interesting features: that he lied habitually and for no reason, that he had made the United States a pariah and laughingstock on the world stage, that he was closest to the world’s tyrants, that he enacted strange and clearly damaging trade policies, that he actively supported racism at every opportunity, that he was under investigation for treason, that his cronies were being herded off to prison, etc.  What would his popularity be?  4%?  Do you think Congress would have any qualms whatsoever about removing him via impeachment of the 25th Amendment?

No, buffoonery, coupled with nonstop mindless attacks, works very well, at least at this oh-so-bizarre chapter of U.S. history.

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One comment on “It’s Trump v. Science, But Who Cares?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Don’t take this the wrong way, but do you realize you are becoming a parody of what you claim to despise ?

    Your non-stop, mostly inaccurate and shallow attacks on the President, relying on trite, hackneyed slogans usually brayed by CNN,WP or the NYT.

    What is the point in two years of repeating the word buffoon, as if it were a wise catechism instead of a inane term of abuse ?

    Why continue to claim the President has 38% support when averaged polling remains consistently in the mid 40’s ?

    There is absolutely no evidence the US President is a laughing stock and not taken seriously by world leaders, indeed quite the opposite, they take him very seriously indeed. The United States is not a “Pariah”, except in the imagination of certain leftist media who always hate the US.

    The President’s foreign policy has been astonishingly successful and achieved it’s objectives.

    You have consistently parroted claims the President is “racist’ and “anti-Semitic”, without the slightest evidence and contrary to all the facts.

    There never was any possibility of the President being charged with “Treason”, that was always a silly claim, based on wishful fantasy.

    The American public has grown weary of the Mueller Inquiry. Even a majority of Democrat voters wanting Robert Mueller to present his conclusions, or terminate the Inqury. The latest blow to the credibility of the Inquiry has been the amount of time and effort Mueller has spent pursuing the completely preposterous claim Paul Manafort held secret discussions with the founder of Wikileaks at the Peruvian Embassy in London.

    The story, like so many others, was leaked from the Inquiry just before the mid-terms elections. The story was an easily disproved fabrication, but not before CNN, the Guardian, NYT etc had run with the story as if it were established fact.

    The fiasco did serve to reveal excessive amount of time and money spent by Mueller relying on pursuing information supplied by a person Mueller described as a ” shrewd operative, actually in the know, and able to reveal important insights into Russian collusion”.

    Serious indeed ! That is, until we learn the “shrewd operative” is one Jerome Corsi. Jerome Corsi, is a notorious liar and conspiracy theorist. Corsi is one of the original sources of the false “birther” claims sham against President Barack Obama, and still maintains that President Obama’s birth certificate is a fake supplied by the CIA.

    Corsi is banned from much of social media for spreading speculative, unsubstantiated,( and always malicious) material.

    Why Mueller would waste time on such an individual, reveals the desperation of special counsel to find any substance to continue the investigation.

    An aggregate average of exit polls taken during the midterms, revealed 54 percent of the voting public believed the Mueller investigation was politically motivated. More than 70% wanted the Inquiry wound up with the next 3 months.

    This is a huge loss of public support for Mueller who as a supposedly independent special counsel, is growing a reputation for dubious, possibly illegal methods, pervasive bias and a lack of accountability.

    If the Mueller Inquiry simply fizzles out and Mueller emerges as a bullying McCarthy like figure, the President’s popularity will increase.

    The Kavanaugh affair left many Americans ashamed and bewildered by the breakdown of procedural justice. new revelations are emerging concerning the role of Sen. Feinstein in providing expert assistance to coach and rehearse Kavanaugh accuser Christine Ford to pass a polygraph, and testify before the Senate, are extremely serious.

    The matter has been referred to the DoJ, and the FBI has opened an investigation.

    At the worst, the accusation is that one, or more, sitting Senators conspired to encourage a witness to provide false testimony in order to deceive The US Senate. (Ford claimed she had received no expert assistance or coaching and her statements were unrehearsed).

    Isn’t it time to stop your barrage of jargon, forget “identity politics” and concentrate on analyzing policy initiatives instead ?