Life with Trump: Is the Real Nightmare Ahead of Us?

merlin_147543717_4b8d40b6-f1b1-44d5-8f5c-9ef1d0405113-jumboHere’s Charles M. Blow’s column in today’s New York Times, in which he speculates on a future in which the volume of evidence implicating Trump continues its crescendo and eventually becomes incontrovertible. How are 38% of Americans going to process this?  What happens when Trump refuses to leave office? His point is that we’re incorrect when we think we’re living in a national nightmare, as the real nightmare very likely lies in the future.

I’m afraid he’s right. If Trump’s clearly guilty of treason, he’ll lose most of his support base, and that will be a very hard pill for defectors to swallow, especially given that they stood behind this insanity for so long.  But there will be millions of hardcore gun nuts and white supremacists who will believe that this whole thing is a coup, fake news, etc., orchestrated by the “liberal elite” and the “deep state.” Hell, (pardon the pun) the Evangelical Christians will think the country’s being possessed by the devil.

I predict a real mess.

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One comment on “Life with Trump: Is the Real Nightmare Ahead of Us?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Calm down, two years of indulging in these fantasies is really far to long !

    Why do you continue to desperately repeat nonsense ? The President’s approval ratings are currently 46% when taken as an aggregate of polls, and have remained consistently in the mid 40’s).

    When even a life long Democrat like Mark Penn who was Bill Clinton’s chief strategist and Hillary Clinton’s in her 2000 Senate campaign, and 2008 Presidential campaign, expresses alarm about the legitimacy and integrity of the Mueller Inquiry, the Inquiry’s got problems with credibility.

    The President will not be charged with “treason”, such an allegation is absurd ! Even by your own argument you accuse the President of being a “Nationalist”, you can’t have it both ways!

    Even if lower house Democrat representatives attempted impeachment proceedings, the Senate has the final say, and the Senate would act quickly to kill any such attempt or simply acquit the President.

    But it will never occur, since the Mueller Inquiry continues to obsess about long forgotten scandals and other trivia, exhausting the patience of the American voters. Now that the US people have grown weary of scandal and Mueller’s tactics, raking up old issues like tax returns etc, will not play well with voters.

    The mid terms proved one thing, for Republicans any anti-Trump stance will be punished by the rank and file party membership, a for democrats the way to win is forget being anti-Trump and concentrate on local policies affecting peoples lives.

    Meanwhile in the real world, the President’s most recent successes at the G20 meeting in Argentina can’t be ignored, even by those who are normally his harshest critics. The President’s unorthodox negotiating style is starting to pay dividends and will force the lower house into either rejecting the policies the demanded, or acceding to the Presidents demands.

    Unlike the Mueller Inquiry, this event reveal a President working hard for the US people and scoring runs on the board in ways that affect peoples lives.

    America has moved on, only the most die hard “never-Trumpers’ still care about Mueller. Even CNN was forced to concede President Trump’s containment policies and sanctions against Russia are far more comprehensive, effective and harsher than any previous President.

    I doubt whether President trump will be re-elected, but the Mueller inquiry may just provide a winning backlash from people who think he’s been treated unfairly.