Hydrokinetics Ideas Everywhere, But Do They Hold Water?

crestwing-anchors-wave-energy-device-off-denmark-320x213Here’s an ocean wave power device that captures energy from the relative motion of their two arms as the wave passes them. According to the company that developed the product, Crestwing, they plan to sell it to energy production companies at home and abroad.

Good luck, but I find this extremely hard to believe that the levelized cost of energy will be anywhere close to acceptable.

Even if you think wave energy can be successful in the marketplace, this device weighs 65 tons. That’s a lot of “stuff” that competitive approaches, the Pelamis, don’t have. And the status of Pelamis?  Defunct.

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One comment on “Hydrokinetics Ideas Everywhere, But Do They Hold Water?
  1. marcopolo says:


    The Pelamis project was just one of a great many similar projects riding the green energy boom.

    Like most booms, 90% of these projects fail for practical reasons, or are left behind by faster developing more easily commercialized technology.

    But that’s the nature of boomtime activity and human enthusiasms. At times it seems the chaotic nature of human creativity seems wasteful, but that’s not really the case, much is learned from even failed projects.