Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Climate Change and Your Health

2014-05-19T145338Z_01_LJU14_RTRIDSP_3_BALKANS-FLOODQuestion: Can you name some of the main drivers by which climate change is damaging human health? (Hint: See pic at left.)

Answer: Can be found at Clean Energy Answers.

Relevance: It’s common to see estimates concerning the probable cost of climate change over n years, but there are several reasons why this is impossible to nail down with any accuracy at all:

There are entire vectors that are functions of climate change that are still completely undiscovered.

There is no way to put a price on human health (beyond healthcare), i.e., the misery it causes.

There are vicious cycles that are not fully understood.

More obviously, there is no way to put a price on a human life.

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One comment on “Take a Cool Guess—The Fun Quiz on Renewable Energy and Environmental Sustainability. Today’s Topic: Climate Change and Your Health
  1. Climate change does have an impact on human’s health. We cannot ignore it and underestimate the impact. From what we’re eating every day and what we are breathing every second, it changes our lives ALWAYS.