Looking Into 2019: The Health of the U.S. Democracy

42586771_10217275552057737_9019539821063831552_nTo be sure, there are dozens of different metrics we can use to gauge the well-being of the American democracy.  Is there transparency in government?  Honesty and integrity? Compassion for the people whose lives it affects?  Does big money seem to be dominating the law-making process?

Well, here are a few data points that should get your attention:  A lobbyist for Boeing heads the Pentagon, a coal lobbyist heads the EPA, an oil lobbyist heads the Interior Department, and a pharma lobbyist heads Health and Human Services. All of those agencies are charged with regulating those same industries.

As we move into 2019, let’s realize how ethically unsupportable this is.  We have a would-be autocrat and a cabinet of people lining their own pockets at the expense of 99.99% of Americans.  Time’s up.

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One comment on “Looking Into 2019: The Health of the U.S. Democracy
  1. marcopolo says:


    Poor old Jimmy Carter, still dreaming of an America that never existed.

    But hey, let’s talk about billionaires and politics shall we? I don’t notice you complaining about billionaire Democrat supporters buying up media outlets to help their vested interests ?

    Just five billionaire contributors contributors (all beneficiaries of Obama policies) raised more money for Hillary Clinton than the entire Trump campaign !

    Apart from himself, in contrast, Donald Trump had no large corporate or billionaire contributors. Unlike, the Clintons and the Democrats he has never received any support (in fact, a lot of opposition) from billionaires.

    Trump’s support is highest among in blue collar Americans, for whom he has delivered high levels of employment, (especially among minorities) higher wages, and opportunities.

    Your totally false accusations show only your blind prejudice has overwhelmed any sense of objectivity or veracity.

    The biggest beneficery