Using Logic in Understanding Present-Day Politics

27ARISTOTLE-articleLargeAs Aristotle pointed out 2300 years ago in his law of non-contraction, two thoughts that oppose one another cannot both be true.  Given that, consider the following two assertions:

a) Writing on behalf of the 61,000 U.S. airline pilots, the head of their trade association reminds the president that his government shut-down is endangering the safety of everyone who boards an airplane.

b) Trump sincerely cares about the safety of Americans, and that is why the U.S. needs a wall on its southern border.

Hint: a) is true.


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One comment on “Using Logic in Understanding Present-Day Politics
  1. marcopolo says:


    Or then again, both may be true !

    The President was elected to build the wall. If the Reps want to defy the President and refuse his electoral mandate, one or the other must prevail. It becomes a choice between the will of the Senate and President, or a handful of obstructionist Representatives determined to undermine Presidential policy.

    It’s equally true, if the Democrat reps really cared about the safety of everyone who boards an airplane, they would accede to the President’s request.