Does This Really Work for Trump?

UntitledIt is understandable that this tweet, like all the others, is an attempt on Trump’s part to play to his base, but this is so inane and mean-spirited that it’s hard to believe that base is on board with the type of thinking and behavior that it represents.  Apparently, he simply wants to dominate the news cycle so completely that he’ll do or say anything to make that happen.

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One comment on “Does This Really Work for Trump?
  1. marcopolo says:


    WTF ? ” inane and mean-spirited” ?!

    It’s the duty of any President to ensure federal funds which are collected from all American’s are spent wisely, especially when spent on individual State problems.

    The President is absolutely correct in his concern regarding the cause and control of Californian wild fires.

    Who is the publicity seeking hypocrite ?

    Kamala Harris bleats about “climate change” and”helping survivors” with other peoples Federal money, thus ensuring the problem will continue.

    In contrast the President is demanding the State of California must institute better, and more practical policies to control the origin and management of wild fires (which have little or nothing to do with climate change).

    Nearly every sensible and qualified expert in Forrest fire management around the world has warned California against pursuing the sort of disastrous Forrest management practices it has followed for over twenty years.

    The main cause of California’s plight is a combination of inappropriate development, poor forest management practice, disorganized agency coordination, human contributions include deliberate arson,neglected infrastructure and carelessness.

    Blaming “climate Change” , is not just cruel and irrelevant, it’s criminally irresponsible.

    On this issue, the President is absolutely in step with every forest fire management expert in the world.

    The contrast couldn’t be clearer, Senator Harris want’s to blame “climate Change” and grandstand about the plight of victims, without any intention of fixing the problem, or the President who wants action and practical changes instituted so the problem never reoccurs on such a destructive scale in the future.