Trump “Tellin’ It Like It Is” on Wind Energy and Electric Transportation

Dishonesty-title-image-Dec-16Here is the result of some fact-checking on Trump’s recent statements on wind energy and electric transportation; readers can guess how it turned out.

The only thing that makes it noteworthy is that it suggests that someone somewhere could possibly believe Trump to be a credible source of information on the topic, given that a) he lies constantly on the broadest possible range of matters, and b) because of his allegiance with Big Oil, he actually has a reason to lie in this case.  

While I’m not a psychologist, I would submit that what separates pathological liars from sane people with integrity issues is that the former lie when there is no reason to do so, i.e., where the truth would have done just as well.  Don’t tell us that your inauguration was the biggest in history.  Don’t tell us that you had 50,000 people at a rally in a Houston building where the city’s fire chief reported 3,000.  Not only is it false, but more importantly: nobody cares.

Here’s my advice: reserve you lies for issues that matter.  You gain by terrifying us, so go ahead and tell Fox News acolytes that Middle-Eastern terrorists have joined a caravan of immigrants heading up here from Guatemala.  It’s conceivable that someone might believe that ISIS is flying people to Central America, where they learn Spanish fluently, integrate into society, then walk through 1500 miles of parched desert to get into the U.S.   But nobody is going to believe that the chief of the Houston fire department is part of the deep-state, fake-news apparatus that’s plaguing your presidency.

Lying is your core competency, but you need to take it to the next level.

Case in point: your father was born in New York, not Germany.  It’s OK to tell the truth, as nobody could possibly care less where he was born, though we are a little uneasy, shall we say, with the constant torrent of senseless lies.

Now, you say, your supporters don’t care, but that’s not entirely true.  Day by day, you’re forcing more and more of them to wonder about what is going on in that head of yours, i.e., what “Trump-consciousness” must be like, and they’re growing increasingly uncomfortable.  Very few of them live in a mental universe where falsehood and truth, fact and fiction, honesty and fraud—are all equivalent to one other.  They’re wondering if being led by a mentally ill person is a good idea.

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2 comments on “Trump “Tellin’ It Like It Is” on Wind Energy and Electric Transportation
  1. marcopolo says:


    Hopefully at some point, you must start to realize your endless nit-picking bleating against the President’s foibles. mannerisms and way of speaking, must lose whatever impact it once had.

    Even the most bitter of the President’s opponents, have realized the vast majority of people have come to understand President Trump is very different from the usual spin-doctored, careful politically correct elitist politician.

    Most people really don’t care if his grammar isn’t perfect or his enthusiasms shine through in his speeches. They get the gist of what he trying to convey, and move on.

    The majority of Americans after two years, are no longer hanging off every word or gesture made by Donald Trump to see if they can beat-up some malapropism, or petty gripe.

    They’ve grown weary of the endless, and mostly irrelevant, criticism of his personality, and focus on policy initiatives which affect their lives.

    Yet, here you are, undaunted by the failure of all those false claims and wildly exaggerated (to the point of fantasy) conspiracy theories, still beating a horse that’s not only dead, but never existed.

    Over the last two years his opponents and a large section of the ‘liberal’ media have indulged in a hysterical campaign of salacious scandals, lies, errors, distortions, inventions etc, all involving high drama, but eventually fizzling out to prove inconsequential.

    Actors who strutted the stage enjoying the adulation of the media like Micheal Aventetti, ‘Stormy” Daniels, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page,Andrew McCabe, James Coomey,Christopher Steele have all faded, and are now too busy defending themselves for their own actions.

    Even the grand inquisitor, Robert Mueller finds himself friendless among politicians and media who once cheered his every move, for failing to deliver their expectations.

    World War Three hasn’t broken out. President Trump has proved to be a far more measured and less inclined to military adventures than his predecessors. in foreign policy, his initiatives have started to effectively curtail and contain Iran, Russia and China.

    The economy has never been in better shape. The biggest improvements have been in blue collar employment and living standards.

    Many problems remain, but on the whole the US economy has improved dramatically, to the despair of the leftist Democrats and old Washington elite political class.

    The public understand the President speaks in the often careless manner of the common man when trying to convey a message. he doesn’t expect every little detail to be picked over by inquisitors to see if any unintentional error could be used as a weapon.

    The President did say in response to a questioner as to why he regarded “the EU as one of America’s greatest trading foes”.

    “Maybe the thing that is most difficult – don’t forget both my parents were born in EU sectors, OK? I mean, my mother was Scotland, my father was Germany, you know I love those countries.”

    In fact, while his mother was born in Scotland, Donald Trump’s pregnant grandmother gave birth to his father shortly after arrival in New York.

    In Brussels the President again spoke of his ties to Europe saying,(verbatim).

    “I have great respect for Germany; my father is from Germany,” Both of my parents are from the EU, despite the fact they don’t treat us well on trade.”

    The CNN reporter, despite having a recording of the President’s answer, deliberately reported the President as claiming his father was born in Germany.

    Now it doesn’t really matter in the context of what the President was trying to convey if he did make a mistake as to the birthplace, his father is clearly of German extraction.

    But like you, the CNN reporter is less interested in the context of what the President is trying to convey, than an obsession with trying to catch the President out with utterly inconsequential little errors, and claiming these to be “lies” of historic proportions !

    The general public are finally growing weary of such nonsense, resulting in the press severely damaging, not Donald Trump, but their own credibility.

    The public will forgive the President’s foibles as long as his policies deliver results, but having lost credibility it will be very hard for the media to regain the respect they once aspired to

    You can call only cry “wolf” so many times. You can only tell the same jokes so many times before they are no longer amusing and become viewed as mean, petty and irritating.

    It’s time, in the vernacular of journalists, to”drop the dead donkey”.

  2. marcopolo says:


    Let’s be really honest shall we?

    Senator Warren (D-MA) fraudulently claims to be a Native American to gain advantage at University, …You are silent.

    Prominent Democrat supporter, Jesse Smollett manufactures false hate crime reports,…..You remain silent.

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) accuses Fox News, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham are “racist’ and prejudiced. When he ‘facts’ are checked and found to be completely untrue, she doubles down and refuses to either substantiate her claim, or withdraw….. You remain silent.

    Despite literally dozens of instances of Democrat lying, not once do you ever criticize or disapprove,…..You remain silent.

    And the President is a lying sociopath ?