Trump: Success Via Outrage

56505429_10219325390394441_4078898924541181952_nVery few people are “on the fence” about the legitimacy of the Trump administration, and this, of course, is happening by Trump’s design, as he thrives on outrage.  His supporters are outraged that their president is under attack from the Fake News, the U.S. intelligence community and the liberal elite, given that their man is in the process of Making America Great Again, restoring Christian values, protecting us from leftists who have their panties in a twist about the climate change hoax, standing up for the white race, halting the scourge of socialism, stemming the infestation of vermin crossing the southern border, and draining the swamp in Washington. Similarly, his detractors are outraged that he’s ruining the environment, plundering public education, putting children in cages, fanning the flames of hatred, looting the treasury to make billionaires richer, destroying relationships with U.S. allies, coddling dictators, kicking people off healthcare, etc.stay-thirsty-my-friend-memes-com-14927216

The unquenchable thirst for outrage is so obvious that sometimes, apparently, Trump wins by infuriating everyone on both sides.  Take, for instance, the point being made in the meme above.  Who thinks it’s good our country is to be regulated by the precise people who stand to benefit from eliminating regulation?  Isn’t that outrageous, regardless of what you believe?

Maybe so, but remember: fury is the currency on which this administration functions; running out of wrath would be like an airliner’s running out of fuel at 50,000 feet.

Stay thirsty, my friend.

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One comment on “Trump: Success Via Outrage
  1. marcopolo says:


    Brilliant ! You never cease to surprise me!

    Let’s see if I’ve understood you correctly. All the outpouring of outrage and crazy hyperactive excesses of the left are down to the President?

    It’s your contention, they’re not responsible for their own behaviour because the Devil (Trump) made ’em do it, eh ?

    The leftist media, politicians and demonstrators have spent two years turning “outrage” into a profitable industry and certainly a national obsession. You are a good example.

    From being a fairly rational, well intentioned individual interested in environmental progress and debating the advantages and disadvantages of emerging clean technology, you have become an irrational, disingenuous, “Never Trumper” obsessing about the President’s comeuppance and downfall.

    You no longer debate, no longer try to see every aspect of any issue or development. Since the advent of the Trump Presidency, you’ve become intolerant of diverse opinion, hyperbole has replaced moderation in your discourse.

    The President has become an obsession, where even the mundane and obvious fuels your “outrage”.

    You go on repeating wild accusations, (despite knowing them to be untrue) shouting long disproved slogans, and generally “maintaining” your rage.

    When I say, I feel sorry for you, I mean it! I’ve seen a similar event in my own lifetime in Australia when in 1975, a leftist Australian Prime Minister lost in dramatic circumstance taking with him the hopes and dreams of dedicated followers.

    Ignored by the majority of his countrymen, his cry of “maintain your rage” was echoed throughout the decades by generations of aging and youthful leftists desperately believing a myth rather than reality.

    There’s probably small groups of East Germans and Russian Communists who dream about the glories of Stalin while refuting reality, preferring myths and conspiracy theories.


    President Trump is not an ideal President. His public persona is not dignified, his manners brash. He doesn’t care about politically correct hypocrisy, he speaks as he finds(sometimes unwisely. The President speaks from his directly from his heart and gut, not bothering with carefully vetted and spin-doctored platitudes.

    He doesn’t accept everything the US Intelligence agencies claim, especially the CIA. Curiously, to doubt and mistrust the CIA was a absolute “article of faith” by the American left until the arrival of President Trump. Suddenly the CIA found virtue in the eyes of the left, presumably on the basis, “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”.

    President trump did not put “children in cages” ! That’s just a media lie! You know it, I know it, everyone knows it, but you will keep repeating it in the hope it becomes accepted.

    (there was no outcry when children were detained under the same necessary methods during the Obama administration).

    There’s nothing unusual in any democratic system for Cabinet Appointees to hold qualifications in their portfolio. Just as Ambassadors are not required to be fluent in the language of the nation of their posting.

    The job of a Cabinet appointee is to implement the policies of the administration. The position requires administrative and political skill, not professional qualifications.

    There is no evidence President Trump is a “White Supremacist”, in fact quite the opposite. But his leftist opponents keep repeating the accusation, even as they their own Black and Hispanic voters deserting to support the President.

    President Trump is certainly outspoken, brash, even at times outrageous, but never to the extent of his crazed, ranting, opponents.

    We are all responsible for our own actions and behaviour. If you explode in an emotional outburst of abuse, that’s your choice. Your opponents don’t make you behave badly, you, and you alone, are responsible for your own behaviour.

    The next two years will be a tough time for the Democrats. As Rachael Maddow has discovered, you can only cry “Wolf” for so long, before you lose credibility.

    Trying to outmatch the President’s populist appeal in a race to the bottom, will be a losing game for the Democrats. Not only do they lack his common touch, the credibility Democrat brand has been damaged by becoming vindictive and petty.

    The President is an expert in exposing the hypocrisy of opponents. US voters will not tolerate hypocrisy in a Democrat, just as they will not forgive a Republican for incompetence.

    It’s time for Democrats and their supporters to clean their own stables and admit their mistakes, errors and failings. It’s time to relent on the outrage and abuse, and be responsible.

    If not, the Democrats we find themselves in the position of Napoleon the Third, who observed with irony wile witnessing a riotous mob;

    ” Alas, I must follow the mob, for you see I am their leader !”