Democrats Won’t Be Too Picky

58384350_1187192288110768_3760036811569627136_nThe quote at the bottom here is from the Book of Proverbs.

I’ll go on record and predict this: very few people who want to see Trump go away (in handcuffs or in a limousine at the end of his term) will fail to support the Democratic nominee, whoever that may be.  I don’t care if it’s my gardener (Jose, wonderful guy, teaching me Spanish), a parking lot valet from the Bronx, or Ivan Popov, second cousin to the vodka magnate and direct descendant of Ivan the Terrible. He’s my man. GO IVAN!!

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One comment on “Democrats Won’t Be Too Picky
  1. marcopolo says:


    Considering the low standard of Democrat Candidates, you might be right !

    Hmmm,… especially when you consider the result of the Ukraine elections.

    Currently leading the Democrat pack of hopefuls is a nice but completely ineffective old guy, Joe Biden. He’s followed by a crazy old coot, Bernie Saunders still ranting on like some demented student activist from 1969.

    Kamala Harris is the exception. Harris is intelligent, attractive, and well qualified. Her leftist political convictions are fairly moderate and she has shown flexibility and pragmatism.

    On the other hand, she doesn’t perform strongly when dealing with contentious issues or making unpopular, but necessary decisions. It’s doubtful whether she could be tough enough, or experienced enough to deal with wily world leaders, or with issues like the border crisis.

    The rest of the pack deteriorate fast ! Elizabeth Warren has proven herself a desperate and despicable liar, with all the worst flaws of Trump, but none his better qualities.

    “Beto” O’Rourke (actually Robert Francis), models himself on all the worst aspects of Obama, while posing as coming from a minority group. A political lightweight with an outside chance at the candidacy as a compromise.

    The rest are a collection raging from dull worthy party hacks, to various crazies like 89year old “Mike” Gravel.

    The best Hope for the Democrats would appear to be, either Biden/Harris or possibly a Harris/Booker Ticket.

    President Trump would easily trounce the aging Joe Biden, but Harris and Booker together would attract voters moderate “progressive” voters.

    The Economy and Border Security are shaping up to be the battle ground issues for 2020.