To Whom Do We Grant Power, and Why?

60084791_2589620224441859_6388196071008370688_nI apologize for the salty language in the meme here, but I wanted to make a point about it.

When I first saw this I thought to myself:  Ok, Jeremy, but what about Hillary’s emails?  (just kidding)

Seriously, it’s possible that humankind has been plagued with this precise thing since the appearance of Homo sapiens on Earth, i.e., the promotion of greedy, dishonest, aggressive, ill-intentioned frauds to positions of great power.

That’s debatable, but this isn’t: At this point, we’ve lost complete control….and I don’t need to single out Trump. Though Trump may be the most visible example of this disease, he’s certainly not the only one; just look at Brazil, Turkey, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, the Philippines, and so many more.

There seem to be so many causes of the total social, ethical and environmental mayhem that is our current civilization, but perhaps at the core is our inability to suss out the difference between good people and bad ones.

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One comment on “To Whom Do We Grant Power, and Why?
  1. marcopolo says:


    The problem for both yourself and Jeremy is Donald J Trump isn’t running for Arch-Bishop or Sainthood, He’s elected to political office.

    Just yelling “WHaaaaah, it ain’t fair I lost” on social media, isn’t really a credible response, but does show why no one should listen to ol’ Jeremy typing away in the basement of his parent’s house.

    The US economy under this administration is little short of a miracle and defying gravity. Profound and deep changes are occurring for the US which the current President has been the first to address effectively. History is the judge of all leaders.

    It should be remembered Harry Truman went bankrupt running a corner store, but he was a very effective President.

    As for marriage failures, well,…. if being divorced from two stunningly beautiful woman (who both still endorse him) to marry his current beautiful and intelligent wife of 14 years.

    He enjoys a loving and close relationship with all his children, which can’t be easy, given the professions he has chosen where dysfunctional families are rule, not the exception.

    Since the President shares being divorced with the majority of the population, and the current trend is not to bother even getting married, it seems he really is a man of the people.

    By today’s standards, any man who experiences the pain of divorce and still maintains a good relationship with his children and a cordial relationship with ex-wives, is an absolute success.

    (I suspect ol’ Jeremy may be experiencing a little of the green eyed monster)