Biden’s Climate Plan Is a Catastrophe, Both for the Environment and for Biden Himself

b9d8e19faedba955d4188cc0bea47d00d7d8440fThere are two main things to be said about Joe Biden:

1) He’s not a sociopath; he’s a sane and decent person.

2) He’s the textbook case of “middle-of-the-road.”

There may be places in our society where a centrist would be a good choice, but that’s certainly not the case with the environment, given the harsh realities of climate change, ocean acidification, loss of biodiversity, and the assault on human health.

Here’s a good piece from Reuters on Biden’s climate plan, and the obvious reaction from the environmental activists.

This is an instance where one can’t have it both ways.  As Biden is about to learn, there is no way to please both activists and Big Oil/Trump supporters.  Here, the middle of the highway is simply a place where one becomes road-kill.

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One comment on “Biden’s Climate Plan Is a Catastrophe, Both for the Environment and for Biden Himself
  1. marcopolo says:


    Joe Biden is a very likable and probably sincere guy. A well meaning and experienced politician from an era long passed.

    He will attract millions of voters who want a polite, reassuring, well meaning ‘middle of the road” sort of President.

    Great Britain elected just such a man in 1937. After serving 6 years in the No.2 position, the tall, handsome, cultivated and gracious, Neville Chamberlain became Prime minister. Chamberlain epitomized calm, confidence and decency.

    His principle opponent at that time was the outsider, a rough, heavy drinker, rude, often arrogant boastful, and certainly exhibitionist, Winston Churchill. Churchill was considered by many critics and colleagues to be mentally unstable.

    Churchill certainly ” frightened the horses”, with his cries of “wolf”.

    The calm, decent, courteous Chamberlain dismissed this rude and raucous fellow, while reassuring a trusting nation that all was well and “Peace in our Time” would prevail.

    At the height of his 3 year tenure in the top job, he was probably the most popular Prime minister in the nation’s history. He had not only the confidence of the people, but the media and all the intelligentsia, and political elite.

    Unfortunately, Churchill was right, there really was a wolf!

    Not just one Wolf, but a huge pack of very ravenous, ferocious wolves, the like of which the world had not seen since the fall of the Roman Empire.

    Chamberlain basked in the adoration of the crowds, while he left his nation bereft of any preparation of how to deal with the gathering storm.

    Britain survived, and with her survival saved Western Civilization.

    It would not have happened but for the “man of the hour”, the cunning, ruthless, inspirational, bloody minded, determined, and visionary Winston Spencer Churchill.

    The US is at the same cross roads. All great powers come to this point at some stage in history.

    President Trump is certainly crude, rude, brash, boastful and for a guy who doesn’t drink, often makes you think maybe he should !

    But, after two years in office he has shown a rare talent for discerning the most fundamental challenges and meeting those challenges with resolution,cunning and candid determination.

    The US can’t afford another pale imitation of Obama. The US desperately needs President Trump, who for all his faults and flaws in personality, has proved his policies work.

    He’s also shown he is unafraid to pursue unpopular policies when he considers it in the interest of the American people.

    His opponents are no reduced to repeating old lies, distortion and irrelevant scandals.

    Recycling Joe Biden would be a disaster for the US.

    The parallels between Joe Biden and Neville Chamberlain are really scary!