Choosing the World’s Energy Mix

8d3d1739-4a27-41b8-8675-7da16fa7451fThe chart below illustrates the challenge this planet faces with respect to meeting our expanding demands for energy and the choices we’re making vis-a-vis the various resources that are available to us.  Of particular cause for alarm is how wrong this is going in China and India.  

At the risk of repeating myself, any energy solution that doesn’t apply to two behemoths is not a solution at all.

Among other conclusions that could be drawn here is the call for nuclear, in addition to solar and wind.  China is building out renewables at a goodly rate, but it’s hardly keeping up with their needs.



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5 comments on “Choosing the World’s Energy Mix
  1. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Hello Craig.

    I am surprised you are still having problems connecting the dots after being enlightened often by me and others (Frank Eggers; Marco-Polo; Breath on the Wind etc etc) so long ago regarding the “global energy technology imperative” as it will (as it must) unfold; and is today following closely the trajectory as forecast way back.

    The often used catch phrase “energy mix” is the fence sitter commentators best friend. Energy mix: what does this mean? 1% of this + 99% of that, or any percentage combination of many perhaps. Ratiometric sleight of hand commentary in the absence of something well considered, my associates call it.

    Here is how the New York administrators are currently (Dec 2018) spreading their good news about the future “energy mix” to all of the ordinary mum’s, dads, and young people of the world, interested in the factual matters surrounding the (often not accurately reported) global climate change and greenhouse gasses debate.

    The astute commentators and energy technology practitioners though are a long way ahead of commentary like this: “Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D, in December pledged to bring the state to 100% clean energy, including nuclear, by 2040.”

    So the obvious question presents: how will that 100% (clean energy % + nuclear %) be divided up New York administrators? Please explain.

    I along with plenty of others have a considered insight into “the practical global energy technology (mix) imperative moving forward”, but it seems you are still reluctant to make a meaningful statement Craig.

    How about helping New York out Craig by putting forward your considered thoughts for the 100% (clean energy % + nuclear %) ratio.

    Lawrence Coomber

  2. marcopolo says:


    It’s not just China and India, but a substantial number of rapidly industrializing nations seeking first world living standards.

    Building modern infrastructure in nations such as Kenya, Indonesia, Ghana, Nigeria, Bangladesh and many others with large populations will consume vast amounts of resources and energy.

    The resources generated by Wind and Solar power are both inadequate and unattractive to rapidly developing nations who need reliable “power on demand” on a scale equal to Europe or even the US.

    Advanced Nuclear is one answer, more immediate and cheaper is Advanced Clean(er)Coal.

    Unfortunately, the US and Europe have become completely self absorbed in anti-coal and anti-nuclear power politics, leaving only China and to a lesser extent, Japan and South Korea to supply these developing nations with energy technology.

    In this respect the West is being strategically irresponsible.

    By supplying energy and infrastructure, The Peoples Republic of China comes political, economic and social influence. Developing nations often lack deep seated Western principles of democratic and liberal social governance, and become susceptible to adopting totalitarian values.

    Many of these nations believe the West as in retreat, with waning power and irreversible political and social decline. These nations resent the sanctimony and hypocrisy of Western nations lecturing others on what they need, while China sells them what they want.

    As Western Europe continues to navel-gaze and appease, the Wolves grow more stronger and more cunning. Russia and China lead the pack as the once powerful Western alliance dissolves into internecine conflicts .

    Remarkably, a most unusual personality has emerged to take up the challenge in the person of the US President.

    President Trump has emerged as the only major American politician to correctly identify the threat and take strategic action to contain and counter the growth of Chinese and Russian influence.

    His actions are considerably weakened and harassed by much of the energy that should be employed in counteracting the “enemies at the gate” is being wasted in bitter attempts to thwart and destroy the President’s administration and negotiations.

    Imagine if the media had only focused on FDR’s adulterous personal life, his obvious ill-health and increasingly erratic and autocratic behavior ?

    Imagine if Congress and the media had obsessively focused on the scandal prone financial corruption and business dealing of his sons, whose activities were constantly shielded and endorsed by corrupt nepotism and White House patronage ?

    In fact, all the same scandals that has the media and Congress obsessed with accusing the current P)resident of impropriety, were ignored and glossed over in the idolization of FDR, despite FDR’s activities being on much larger scale !

    In this crucial hour, the US should put aside petty idelogical differences in favour of uniting to face a common enemy.

  3. Lawrence Coomber says:


    Marco Polo you are aging as smoothly as a bottle of 1886 Clipper Port.

    Nice work as usual.


  4. marcopolo says:


    Thank you for those kind words.

    A recent article in Der Spiegal illustrated the disastrous impact caused by a combination of German Greens, Socialists, Angela Merkel, anti-Nuclear and the Paris Accord on German power generation, economy and political independence.

    When in March 11, 2011, an earthquake-triggered tsunami damaged the nuclear power plant in Fukushima, Japan, Chancellor Angela Merkel saw a political advantage to capture Green-left votes for her coalition and decided to phase out nuclear power in Germany.

    Energiewende, was born. Germany announced a shift away from nuclear and fossil fuels in favor of renewables.

    This was to be easily accomplished over 7 years.

    As the major economic power, German enthusiasm spread to other nations in the EU. Europeans, especially young Europeans enthusiastically embraced the the “greatest political project undertaken here since Germany’s reunification”. The popularity of the promises, no matter how fantastic or ill-conceived was the impetus behind the absurd “Paris Agreement”.

    Eight years later, Energiewende is revealed as an unmitigated disaster !

    Billions of dollars later and Germany, along with all of Europe is now dependent on decimating Russian Forests and Russian Gas imports. More Coal is being burned than ever, but in old, obsolete ‘dirty’ “temporary” plants.

    Germany’s energy prices have trembled much to the delight of Asian rivals.

    Despite the obvious failures, Energiewende remains official policy. However, increasing numbers of Germans and other Europeans are realizing Energiewende is too expensive, too chaotic and too unfair. Yet, the green-Left still refuse to give up the dream and government disingenuous propaganda remains at full throttle.

    Desperate European Governments, driven by fear of green-left activists, the media and being revealed as having presided over a monumental disaster, have announced all kinds of “climate Change” targets for 2030, 2050 etc.

    All in a desperate bid to avoid the truth !

    (I can understand their reasoning, after all, for many of us, 2050 is not a date we expect to witness).

    What would happen to the tens of thousands of bureaucrats and tax payer funded projects, if Energiewende was abandoned in favour of a more realistic energy regime?

  5. Lawrence Coomber says:

    Yes you have nailed the nub of the festering global energy pox perfectly Marco Polo.

    But I have it on very good authority that I will still be around in 2050 and indeed still still working ridiculous hours in god-forsaken places on energy projects to keep the lights on!

    Well that’s what a physic guru in the back streets of Agra told me 3 weeks back when I had the weekend off work in Delhi so I took the Royal Enfield Classic 350 down there for some fresh air.

    And I believe him!

    Lawrence Coomber