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Paul-Douglas-quote-2-1024x576Here’s a pithy little something from Evangelical Christian and meteorologist Paul Douglas; it’s his attempt to persuade his fellows to accept the evidence for climate change.

We live in a bizarre time in history: what appears to be a throwback to the Middle Ages.  From about the year 1600 to the turn of the 21st Century, our civilization has enjoyed an ever-increasing respect for vigorous participation in science, and the distancing of religious dogma from what we were learning about the nature of the universe and the things that live in it.

We thought this was fabulous; we even had a cool name for it: “The Enlightenment.”  Note, we didn’t call it something horrible like “satanism” or “the work of the libtards.”

The primary reason the Middle East seems so backwards is that they never went through an Age of Reason; it’s this tragedy that is the underpinning of theocracy.  Come on guys, let’s not go backwards.

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