NBC News Reports on Russia’s Attacks on U.S. Democracy

ab94ae-20171111-president-donald-trump-chats-with-russia-s-president-vladimir-putin (1)NBC News: LONDON — Russians who were linked to interference in the 2016 U.S. election discussed ambitious plans to stoke unrest and even violence inside the U.S. as recently as 2018, according to documents reviewed by NBC News.  Full article here.

Glenn Doty: Remember that Russia is an enemy that is engaged in actual warfare against the U.S. The first real blow was using Bernie and Trump to wreck American democracy. The second has been constantly energizing the pathetic (and mentally inferior) assholes that have “white supremacy” sympathies. Now they are trying to stoke unrest and violence in African American communities. They are an enemy, engaged in a constant attempt to sabotage America.

Glenn’s (comedian) friend: Is easy, comrade, no? Americans want to tear each other apart to begeen with. Melting pot boiling over.  One-third population driven by hate, fear, resentment and a sense of faux persecution while being opposed to any and all facts that challenge their ever shrinking worldview it seems to be heading towards the inevitable end of us.

Craig: Russia has pulled off something no one could have imagined possible, taking down the U.S. using nothing but cunning, intelligence and technology.  Putin is a butcher, but he’s the most successful butcher in the history of humankind, and, ironically, he didn’t use anything but cleverness to achieve that success. Among other things, his manipulation of Trump has been utterly masterful.
What exactly is the crowning achievement here is subject to debate.  At the current moment, I’m going with the demise of the First Amendment.  If you can round up anyone, anywhere in the world, regardless of citizenship, and sentence him to 170 years in prison for printing truthful information that is damaging to the United States, you have effectively ended freedom of the press.
There are so many close competitors for the prize here.  Yesterday, I would have said it was the drubbing of our country’s reputation for truth and honesty on the world stage, with the installation of a pathological liar and buffoon in the White House.
Whether it’s “the end of us” or not remains to be seen; Americans could have a profound epiphany here.   The only thing preventing it is what Mark Twain told us: “It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.”  We simply have to realize that we’ve been duped, and so back to what made us successful in the first place.  It may be difficult, but it’s not impossible.
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One comment on “NBC News Reports on Russia’s Attacks on U.S. Democracy
  1. marcopolo says:


    Whatever you guys are drinking, take my advice and switch brands !

    Paranoia compounded by “nNever Trump” craziness, delusions and a realization of impotency have rendered you no longer able to deal with the real world.

    Russia is no longer the old USSR. Russia’s chaotic economy and corrupt society, is barely held together by Putin organizing genius and a lack of real opposition.

    With an economy of only $1.578 trillion and a per capita income of less than $9000, the nation would be hard pressed to exert any influence. In contrast to the USA’s $22 trillion, (per capita $65, 000) economy, Russia is a paper tiger.

    The US economy is roaring, the nation has never seen a rise in employment to such levels for more than 50 years.

    The US is also immensely stronger in every way. Be it military, economic, trade, allies etc., the US dwarfs the ramshackle Russian bear.

    President Trump has successfully and effectively thwarted Russian efforts to reassert influence. With measures such as crippling strategic sanctions, bolstering front-line allies with trade and energy assistance, Trump has successfully weakened and contained Russian ambitions. Thje President dealt another blow to Russia by insisting Europe fulfil and strengthen NATO commitments.

    Any Russian “interference” in US domestic affairs is minuscule and would be of no consequence except for the fact that the American left desperately need to blame someone else for betraying and losing the confidence of the American working class in the Democrat Party.

    Obsessing about Putin, Trump, or anyone,is pointless and silly. You’ve already ” met the enemy, and he is yourself ” !

    Stop whining and bleating impotently, about imaginary foes, instead it’s time you got behind an American President who is fighting to curtail a huge, cunning and all too real Dragon.

    For nearly quarter of a century the US has been losing to the PRC. The US has been dying the death of a thousand cuts by China, while bellowing denials.

    President Trump has cast off the illusion, stepped into the arena and focused an ill=prepared but re-invigorated US to issue a challenge to it biggest rival, before it’s too late.

    This is just round one. The question will be decided over the next 30 years.

    These are crucial times for the US. The US must contain Chinese ambitions and force reform in China if both nations are to successfully co-exist.

    Trump may have his faults, but at least he knows he’s in a fight, and an inevitable fight at that. China’s Xi Jinping also knows the survival of the Communist Party of China depends on defeating the USA economically.

    Russia is a mere side show distraction.