Lots of Good Environmental News

zzzIt’s not news that the U.S. federal government is doing a terrible job protecting the environment, or, more accurately, that they’re doing a fabulous job destroying it for profit. What needs to be recognized, however, is that virtually everywhere else one looks in the public sector, i.e., the governments of the 50 states as well as the thousands of counties, cities and towns around the country, one see amazing progress.

Here’s an article that offers hope for a bright tomorrow.

Perhaps the most obvious and common examples of this are commitments to 100 percent clean, renewable energy sources–and some of these come from some pretty “bright red” places, showing that, outside the Beltway, politics is less rooted in enormous fortunes of money and more deeply rooted in the well-being of people.  Nobody, regardless of how he votes for president or which cable news channel he watches, wants his kid to die of cancer caused by some terrible chemical, or to contract lung disease from breathing dirty air.



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One comment on “Lots of Good Environmental News
  1. marcopolo says:


    Wow ! no there’s a surprise, the elitist Rocky Mountain Institute doesn’t like president Trump and all his “deplorable” blue collar supporters, while happily accept large donations from billionaires like Micheal Bloomberg and Jeff Bezos.