Trump’s Greatest Asset

61867410_10157958838447908_7935284750346878976_nThe majority of Americans and the overwhelming majority of those living outside the U.S. are still scratching their heads, wondering how Trump continues to pull off his torrent of lies and his ongoing  outrageous behavior on a day-to-day basis. If a survey were taken, the most frequent explanation would be either:

He’s a con man, his capacity to deceive, to lie without the objection of his supporters


Demagoguery, his ability to whip racists, gun nuts, Evangelicals, etc. into a frenzy, while lining the pockets of billionaire mega-contributors.

Here’s my take, and it’s a reaction to the graphic above: His creativity in distracting and misdirecting.  Does anyone (other than those whose lives were disfigured by it) even remember the government shutdown?

He leads the media and the rest of us around by our nostrils–so effectively and so vigorously that we simply cannot keep up with the steady stream of ridiculous accusations, insults, and disgusting behavior.

The real issue here, of course, is Hillary’s emails, and the Democrat’s traitorous attempt to look into Russia’s manipulation of our democracy.  Maybe we could have a 12th investigation into Benghazi, since, clearly, the American people need to remain riveted on the possibility that Clinton committed a crime that wasn’t unearthed in the first 11.

Islam is our enemy.  Climate change is a Chinese hoax.  3 – 5 million illegal immigrants voted in the 2016 election.   Tariffs are paid for mostly by China, not by us. The Democrat(ic) position on abortion is now so extreme that they don’t mind executing babies after birth. Nancy Pelosi came out in favor of MS-13. North Korea has agreed to denuclearization. We have signed more legislation than anybody.

There are more than 10,000 of these; they never stop.  They never stop.  

Today’s statement, made in Normandy to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day, when brave soldiers brought the world back from the brink of fascism: Mueller is a fool. Of course, that’s an opinion, albeit an outrageous one, presented at a place and time that could not have been more ghastly, but it’s not a lie per se.  Whatever. By dinnertime tomorrow, most of us will be unable to recall it, as some new outrage, or perhaps a whole flock of them, will have fully superseded it.

The man’s good; we need to freely give him that.  Then we need to expel him, as we bathe our dogs to help them expel fleas.

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One comment on “Trump’s Greatest Asset
  1. marcopolo says:


    Good grief, do you never tire of this obsessive tirade of repetitious hyperbole and vitriol against the president?

    More importantly, how exactly do you imagine the mood of political discourse is improved by your ranting abuse and vilifying anyone who dares to not share your obsession?

    The speech delivered by President Trump, as US Head of State, at the D-Day ceremony was dignified, significant and memorable. The speech surprised many and has been universally praised.

    But, you had your back turned dindn’t you ? You stuck your fingers in your ears, eyes shut tight, while ranting abusive slogans! You were so terrified you might hear something that didn’t fit with your preconceptions, you through a tantrum.

    Robert Mueller is either a fool or a knave if the latest revelations to the Inspector-General prove correct.

    Time will tell.

    Speaker Nancy Pelosi told senior Democrats that she’d like to see President Donald Trump “in prison” regardless of whether he’d committed any actual crime. In her remarkable statement she said “some people are so obviously of guilty character they should be imprisoned” !

    An interesting interpretation of the US constitution from a lawyer and legislator.

    Nancy would appear to have caught what ails you !

    Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the circumstances surrounding FISA surveillance of former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page may provide new and damaging details surrounding the FBI’s use of the FISA court to spy on Page.

    More importantly, the report enables Attorney-General Barr to conduct a broader and more exacting investigation into all aspects of the conduct of the Mueller Inquiry and prior investigations.

    The appointment of U.S. Attorney John Durham to lead the investigation promises to open the flood gates for previously undisclosed information and indictments.

    Much of this is possible due to President Trump’s decision to declassify documents allowing a deluge of information.

    If, as is becoming more probable, Mueller’s conduct of his investigation involved lies, cover-ups and deliberate omissions from his report, then he must be held accountable.

    In at least one important area he seems to have failed in his duty and practiced mendacity. It would appear either he was lied to, and accepted the word of his friends in the intelligence agencies and FBI without question, or he was a collaborator in practicing a deceit pm both the DoJ and Congress.

    If this is true, and it now appears very likely, he was either a fool or a knave.

    There is a third possibility, he was a bigoted zealot, with a preconception of “guilt” and didn’t understand the terms of his brief. (IMHO that is more likely).

    Meanwhile the President is looked in an historic, but unavoidable struggle with China, drawing Iran’s fangs, and trying to solve the immigration crises on the Southern border.

    Big, historic struggles, requiring calm reasoned discussion. Not helped by petty endless repetitious irrelevant hyperbolic slogans making these important issues even more bitterly divisive than necessary.