Today’s Paradoxes

thoughtsprayers-690x460American life in the early 21st Century comes with some interesting paradoxes, and several of them surround law and order.

One might think, for example, that those charged with the responsibility of thwarting crime might be the most vocal advocates for gun rights.  One would be wrong.  Here’s the chief of police of the fourth largest U.S. city, Houston, instructing voters to vote out politicians whose only response to mass shootings is “thoughts and prayers.”

Another interesting incongruity surrounds sanctuary cities, i.e., places were local law enforcement will not make life difficult for immigrants who may be here illegally, unless they’re suspected of another crime.  One might think that the police would oppose such policies, but again, one would be incorrect.  Chiefs of police across the entire U.S. favor sanctuary cities because they keep crime down; they have found that harassing law abiding people alienates them, and reduces their willingness to cooperate with police investigations.

Who knew?  Strange days indeed.


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