Policing in a Sustainable Society

XAB3IKEN7UI6TNXUAMZVMUBNZYLet’s meet the pastor of All Scripture Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN, Grayson Fritts, and take in the sermon he gave to his congregation on the first Sunday of Pride Month.  For roughly an hour, he railed against members of the LGBTQ community –– referring to them as “sodomites,” “freaks” and “animals” –– and called on the government to carry out the proper punishment for the “capital crime.” “They are worthy of death,” he declared in a video originally released by the church that was later shared on social media.

Now, of course, some would be tempted to offer up snarky comments, like: isn’t it grand how religion brings out the best in us, etc., but personally, I don’t have a problem with this, given that we live in a country where free speech is protected under the Constitution.  If his congregation likes this, that’s their right, just like it’s my right, which I vigorously exercise, to stay far away from places like Knoxville.

Here’s the problem: Fritts is also a detective with the Knox County Sheriff’s Office.  He took an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, including the Fourteenth Amendment that guarantees equal protection under the law to all.

Pastor? OK.

Sheriff advocating routine violation of the U.S. Constitution? Completely wrong. Get him gone.

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