What’s With All This Good News?

10-2-1Lots of good news today.

The U.S. Supreme Court said no to gerrymandering in Virginia that favors Republicans by minimizing the importance of votes from communities of color.

That same Supreme Court affirmed an exception to double jeopardy laws, saying that states can indict individuals even if similar charges have been brought in federal courts (thus limiting Trump’s ability to pardon cronies).

And great news for the global environment: Slovakia elects its first woman president. Zuzana Čaputová, a lawyer and environmental activist.

Her winning platform centered around fighting impunity and restoring justice in a country largely affected by large-scale political corruption, but it’s also rooted firmly in environmental protection. Čaputová is sometimes called the “Erin Brokovich of Slovakia” for her decade-long struggle to close a toxic landfill in her hometown, which she succeeded in doing, earning her the 2016 Goldman Environmental Prize.


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