White House Staffers, Take Note

65115413_10157240483561465_8839471212645056512_nThis, right here, is why smart and fore-sighted people don’t work for the Trump administration: they know they can get stuck in one of the most untenable and unpleasant positions in U.S. history.

Maybe this lady isn’t actually a cruel, heartless beast.  Let’s assume she was forced into this totally asinine and disgusting place because she was unlucky enough to be forced into this assignment by her boss.

Can you imagine that conversation? The boss could have danced around the truth, or been oblivious to it, but maybe said something like this:

“Today you’ll go before a judge, an intelligent, well educated man who has spent his entire life making decisions that profoundly affect every person whom he has touched.  Each verdict he’s ever rendered was carefully considered, and based purely in these three things: the letter of the law, justice and mercy. Today, you’re going to stand before him and explain how you honestly believe that the federal government has no obligation to provide soap, toothbrushes, blankets and beds to tiny children whom ICE has separated from their parents and locked up.”

Pause for a moment and think how you personally would have dealt with that assignment.

This is why John Dean of Watergate fame delivered advice to every one of those involved in the Trump inner core to the effect that: “All Trump White House staff: get out now.  None of this is something you want to experience for yourself, and, even if you’re OK with that, it’s most certainly nothing you want on your resume when you go back into the job market after all this insanity is over.  Trust me, not a single soul in the Nixon White House added any mention of that complete collapse of moral values on their CV, and Nixon was a Sunday School teacher by comparison.”

You have the entire rest of your lives in front of you.  Choose wisely.


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One comment on “White House Staffers, Take Note
  1. marcopolo says:


    More hysteria from those without any solutions !

    The lawyer for the Justice Department, Sarah Fabian, argued the government should not be “automatically” required to provide detained migrant children with soap, toothbrushes, showers and other amenities at Customs and Border Protection’s detention facilities.

    Sounds cruel and inhumane, but what is the alternative? How is any government agency able to cope with a flood of undocumented, unaccompanied minors ? We are not talking in dozens, but potentially hundreds of thousands! The facilities don’t exist and can’t exist.

    The problems of processing these illegal migrants is enormous and simply beyond the logistical capacity of the authorities to cope with the problem.

    The illegal migrants, professional people smugglers, criminal gangs, drug-runners etc, rely on these tactics as a method of defeating the US authorities.

    What’s the answer ? Provide beds, toothpaste, showers, food, clothing and release into the US ?

    Will that stop the flood ? History has proved the opposite.

    President Trump is doing his best. He want’s a Wall. Not a perfect solution, but a very substantial deterrent. The Democrats have refused funding. The President has tried, with some success to enlist the aid of Mexico, but although Mexico is trying, the task has overwhelmed their resources also.

    The tragedy continued to unfold. The Democrat have no solution at all, but are delighted to be able to exploit the situation as a means of beating up emotive media attention to embarrass the administration.

    How cruel is that ?

    However bad the President’s solution may seem, it must be better than no decision and allow the misery to continue. The Democrats are morally bankrupt in using this situation to continue so they can cynically exploit the plight of these children for their own dishonest political purpose.

    The only honest approach by any Democrat is to declare openly as an election pledge for uncontrolled immigration and open borders. (electoral suicide, but at least honest).

    Craig, you are not helping, in fact you are the problem! Your encouragement is a betrayal of these migrant. You are the cause. Australia encountered the same problem, and resolved it it by strong and decisive action.

    The were some drawbacks and even cruelty, but nothing in comparison to the alternatives. Sometimes there just is no good alternative, just the lesser of two evils. Government must have the courage to choose the lesser of two bad situations, rather than hope for an unrealistic “kumbaya” solution that isn’t possible.

    Build the Wall !