From Guest Blogger Clay Morrison: Wind Farms To Power The World’s Major Cities

Ever considered the unrelenting power of the wind? We’ve all seen the destructive nature of the elements. But what if we were able to harness their might for our own ends? Well, thankfully we can.


Wind farms aren’t a totally new concept, but they’re often overlooked in favour of more immediate and controllable forms of energy production. But just how effective could they be?


A recent study from RS Online has highlighted just that. They found:


  • In Tokyo,10,310 turbines would be needed to power the city
  • An area just 40% the size of Rome would be needed to power the Italian capital 
  • Los Angeles would need an area of 1,872.1km squared to be dedicated to wind turbines to provide enough energy for its inhabitants 


These are massive projects, but not unachievable ones. The beauty of wind turbines is they can be built offshore, in the middle of the ocean. That gifts builders the space to construct them without causing too much damage to the natural environment. 


Intrigued? Find out more about the potential of wind turbines by checking out the full infographic below:

RS Online

Brought to you by RS Components


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