Legislation To Clean Up the U.S. Grid-Mix

20190227173308002_hdTom Udall (D-NM — pictured) and a few other U.S. senators have introduced a bill that would take the U.S. grid-mix from its current 18% concentration of renewables up to 50% by 2035.  It’s not that no one here is trying to avoid melting glaciers and lethal droughts.

How is this bill going to fare in Congress?  Well, the usual only rational answer is that it depends on who profits from it.  If wealthy donors decide that they don’t want their children growing up on a wasteland, maybe this will happen.

Of course, this raises the question as to where wealthy donors derive their wealth, and a big part of that answer is the traditional energy sector.  Doesn’t look propitious or auspicious, and the process won’t be expeditious.

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One comment on “Legislation To Clean Up the U.S. Grid-Mix
  1. marcopolo says:


    Senator Tom Udall could also sponsor a bill proposing the US Congress forbid it raining on holidays!

    The Senator is either misled or opportunistic. Renewable energy lacks the logistical capacity to produce sufficient industrial “on demand” energy at a competitive rate.

    Like many environmental advocates, Tom Udall is overflowing with noble rhetoric, but lacks and sense of reality or objectivity.

    The problem is quite simple. If fossil fuel emissions are a problem, there is one of two solutions (or a combination of both).

    Solution one: Ban fossil fuel. Rely on “renewable energy”.

    Advantage: No more emissions.
    Disadvantage: No more industry, huge social disruption, national poverty.No more Fire engines, emergency service vehicles, roads,(road ‘black top’ is a by products of oil and coal) cement etc.Huge toxic waste problem scraping obsolete solar panels. Mass unemployment.

    Solution Two; Encourage renewable energy where economically and logistically feasible, while encouraging “clean(er) technology to eliminate (or reduce) emissions from fossil fuel. Deploy more thorium based mini-reactors.

    Advantages: Eliminate or dramatically reduce)emissions to an acceptable level. Increased prosperity, employment, economic activity.

    Disadvantage: ?

    As Europe has learned, passing noble high sounding regulations and declarations has no last effect. At the best these gestures are a waste of time, at the worst they breed national disaster.