Sunny Day Flooding Creates Market for New Vehicles

66284320_10215438318373205_6810480867618586624_oThe car/boat shown here isn’t a bad investment for those in one of America’s areas prone to “sunny day flooding,” a term that is being used with increasing frequency as the oceans expand via rising temperatures, and the ice sheets in places like Greenland continue to melt.  According to this, “Rising sea levels and an abnormal weather system will make flooding more common in 40 parts of the U.S. this year and beyond, according to a report published Wednesday by the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.”

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One comment on “Sunny Day Flooding Creates Market for New Vehicles
  1. marcopolo says:


    Hey now you’re talking ! What a great little VW Swinninwagen. Over 15,000 of the little amphibians were made but only a few still survive.

    I rescued two “barn find” little early 1960’s Amiphicars some years ago and had both restored. The first vehicle was nearly complete and can still cross small rivers and lakes. (great fun)

    The other vehicle lacked an engine and transmission, but the body shell was in totally complete. I shipped that vehicle back to Australia and restored the body an interior, but converted the vehicle to become an all electric EV amphibian. my children and I would to amaze fellow motorists by suddenly leaving the road and driving into the river! Then circling back we’d join the crown of onlookers searching for the “drowned’ car ! (Great fun until my wife got tired of apologizing for my conduct and insisted I “grow up” ).

    As an EV, care must be taken to ensure the battery pack and electronics are kept dry, but otherwise performs just like its gasoline sibling.

    Grand Lake St. Marys State Park, Ohio, each year hosts an annual gathering of these an other little amphibians.

    Come to think of it, that would be the perfect EV for you 🙂