The Development of the Mind in the Evolution of Humanity

eratosthenes_photo-5c8d7bcc46e0fb00016ee0b8As presented here, it appears that the ancient Babylonians were aware of what we know as the Pythagorean theorem about 2000 years before the famous Greek mathematician. 

As it turns out, the concept that the Earth is round dates back far earlier than what we’re taught in schools.  The Greek astronomer Eratosthenes (pictured) estimated Earth’s circumference around 240 BCE with amazing precision, using the difference in the lengths of shadows at the summer solstice at two different latitudes.

The development of the human mind has had only, at most, a few hundred thousand years to get us to this point, but it’s been most impressive.  At issue at this precarious stage of our civilization, however, isn’t our intelligence, but rather our dubious capacity for kindness.


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