Prophetic Remarks on the United States in 2019

57611872_10214370443594679_7088124450033369088_nDating back at least to Jules Verne, we’ve had science fiction that predicted the future with frightening accuracy.

We all hope that the main themes of the 20th Century’s great dystopian novels like Brave New World, 1984, A Handmaid’s Tale and so many others will not come to fruition, though there is no reason to think that they won’t, especially given that we’re coming quite close in many instances around the globe.

Please take a moment and absorb the warning (above left) from Sinclair Lewis, the first writer from the United States to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature. Let it sink in. I especially like. “A public lair easily detected.”

I met a group of people from Sweden recently who tried to sum up their country’s attitude to “the Trump phenomenon.”  One told me, “We simply feel sorry for you; we never thought it could happen in the great United States of America.”


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