Norway Takes Lead on Climate

maxresdefault (6)Here’s a quick discussion with a reader surrounding this article: Norway refuses to drill for billions of barrels of oil in Arctic, leaving ‘whole industry surprised and disappointed.

Craig: Great to see them leading the charge.

Martha: Yes! Wonder when we will catch up!

Craig: Won’t happen. Note that this is controversial, even in Norway, where people care deeply about climate change and other environmental issues.  But fossil fuels are in the process of being replaced by renewable energy and electric transportation, almost exclusively due to the pressure of free market economics.

The only real question is how much environmental damage will be done in the process. And the answer: nobody knows.

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One comment on “Norway Takes Lead on Climate
  1. marcopolo says:


    While I love your choice of photo’s, the government’s choice of issuing drilling permits was more concerned with the current price of oil than environmental concerns.

    Nor will it last as Norway heads to the polls.