CleanTech Investment: Why The Time is Now

https___blogs-images.forbes.com_erikkobayashisolomon_files_2019_07_AmyFrancetic-1200x1131Here’s an article in Forbes that chronicles an interview with Amy Francetic, Founder and Managing Director of Energize Ventures (pictured), one of the preeminent venture capital firms focusing on clean energy and other eco-supportive industries.

As it turns out, there are three compelling reasons why “the time is now” for all this to happen, one is something we frequently discuss here, i.e., “the debate is over.”

“While pundits on cable news programs and fossil fuel industry-sponsored think tanks dish out disinformation regarding the current scientific understanding about climate change, it is clear that most companies and institutional investors are no longer fooled.  Ms. Francetic said that among the people with whom she speaks – pension fund managers, insurance company executives, and corporate managers – there is a common agreement that the climate has reached a tipping point and that we need to work on strategies to adapt to and mitigate the effects of climactic change. She acknowledges that there does still seem to be a slight generational gap, with younger people generally more receptive to investment theses related to climate change investing, but this gap too is narrowing.”

Yes, there are still people watching right-wing news shows from their couches at home, filling their heads with anti-science propaganda from the oil companies.  But it may be of more value to follow the people placing large risks, whether they be financial, or military, or any other sort–the people whose success depends on getting things right.  To a person, these folks understand the vast environmental pressures facing our civilization, and are not pretending otherwise.

The annual global investment in renewable energy, according to Bloomberg, is approximately $300 billion; it’s easy to understand why.

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