Blackrock and Environmental Sustainability–The Prank of the Century

5c3f3de0037f301b1807713d-2732-1366Anyone who loves a good prank will get a charge out of what happened to Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, the target of a hoax the size of all outdoors (quite literally).

The only thing that would make this any better is if it had a happy ending, and Blackrock really were pursuing an investment strategy built around environmental sustainability.


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One comment on “Blackrock and Environmental Sustainability–The Prank of the Century
  1. marcopolo says:


    Could you please explain to me why it would be “good” if Blackrock or any other investor no longer invested in fossil resources?

    Since you own/drive an EV, how would you fill up at a fuel station?

    When your mother/wife/child or loved one was suddenly taken ill or injured, how would you call and ambulance ?

    If your house caught on fire, or other emergency, who would you call? When your mother/wife/child or loved one was attacked by criminals, or drunk drivers, would you just shrug because the police had no adequate transport and say, “sorry about what’s happening to you honey, but at least I’m still morally pure” ?

    Hmmm,…..what about all those other 350,000 products produced by the oil industry essential to maintaining a healthy and prosperous lifestyle and economy ?

    Will you just say to your fellow citizens, “Sorry your broke and can’t feed your families, but hey, just sit here on the ground and listen to the philosophical musing of the self-righteous sitting around this cracker barrel!

    All this hate you are disseminating, doesn’t help the environment at all. In fact, it’s counter-productive.