Will Young People Vote?

4nXo@2xHere’s a little video that pokes fun at young people for not voting.   Extremely well done.

Virtually anything we might want: money out of politics, affordable healthcare, quality education, social programs, women’s reproductive rights, environmental stewardship, peace agreements held intact, etc.–are all within our reach.  The only question is how loudly we make our voices heard…and that starts at the ballot box.

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One comment on “Will Young People Vote?
  1. marcopolo says:


    Oh the irony, a party with two near octogenarian candidates and heavily financially supported by vested interested corporations and billionaires running on a platform of “youth” and ” keep money out of politics” !

    Just four Democrat benefactors, Tom Steyer, Mike Bloomberg, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos contribute more than the entire Republican Party campaign funding!

    Oh, the hypocrisy!