Endangered Species

68246293_2580782525275652_2840233238297837568_nKudos to graphic artist Mike Luckovich for this masterpiece (larger version below).

The qualities that elevated humankind out of the Dark Ages are indeed dwindling in supply.  

Take a second and remember what life on this planet was like before the Enlightenment and the development of modern science.  Think: Spanish Inquisition, blood-letting, leeches, indentured servitude, institutionalized torture, witch hunts, plagues, and rivers of sewage.


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One comment on “Endangered Species
  1. marcopolo says:


    And yet we have an abundance of sanctimonious, self-righteous hypocrites! Vast herds of alarmist pundits and prophets of doom all grazing morosely off the public purse.

    Perhaps if we culled those parasites, the endangered species may find more habitat.