Police Use of Deadly Force

shooting-1Here’s an article called “California governor signs law hoping to limit police shootings,” which is explained as follows: “The measure signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom will change California’s existing standards to require that deadly force may only be used when necessary.”

 OMG!!  Are you telling me that previously, police could kill someone when it wasn’t necessary?  And there’s a difference between that and the extra-judicial killings that we revile in other countries?
We’re training police to shoot to kill when some other application of force, e.g., a taser, would have worked just as well, and we’re wondering why so many young black men get shot?
My God we’re stupid.
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One comment on “Police Use of Deadly Force
  1. marcopolo says:


    Being a police officer is a very difficult job. Why is shooting a back person any more or less reprehensible that shooting anyone of any ethnicity?

    This is the most pointless piece of legislation, typical of the democrats. Symbolic, useless regulations that just make policing more difficult and embolden criminals.

    There’s a very simple (but unfashionable) reason why a higher percentage of blacks get shot by police,…..they commit more violent crime and are more likely to resist arrest violently.

    You can’t have it both ways. If you want police to enforce the law without prejudice or fear and favour, then you can’t say “Oh you much treat blacks differently”.

    To prevent crime, the police must target likely offenders. Sadly, that may mean black males are more likely to be targets since they commit more crime.

    There are cities (all run by Democrats ) where the police openly fail to police “no go” areas inhabited largely by black Americans for fear of being called racist or being the target of violence.

    But hey, don’t take my word for this, do your own research!

    Leave your cozy liberal enclave in Santa Barbara and move to Watts LA or Vermont Avenue (death alley) Commerce. How about renting an apartment in Cudah or Compton? Maybe a home in the deceptively named Clearlake?