David Koch: New Insights into Human Cruelty

maxresdefault (7)As we look back at the life of David Koch and come to understand the extent of the damage he inflicted on the planet and the people who live on it, we begin to see this in strange new ways.

From the NY Times: Charles G. Koch announced the death in a statement, which noted that David Koch had been treated for prostate cancer in the past (and eventually died from it). 
“Twenty-seven years ago,” the statement said, “David was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and given a grim prognosis of a few years to live. David liked to say that a combination of brilliant doctors, state of the art medications and his own stubbornness kept the cancer at bay.”

Now yes, Koch was a generous donor to lots of philanthropic causes, including prostate cancer research.  But the net of this is as follows: David Koch stayed alive and healthy with medical technology that he worked passionately, via his war against affordable healthcare, to deny other people.  If that doesn’t strike you as anything but evil, I don’t know what to say; words fail.

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One comment on “David Koch: New Insights into Human Cruelty
  1. marcopolo says:


    That’s it ? That’s now your definition of evil? Someone who doesn’t share your particular political views is automatically evil?

    David Koch’s philanthropy has helped millions of people, and will continue to do so long after his own death.

    Nor was David Koch opposed to “Affordable” health care, simply a confused, unworkable system as proposed by President Obama and some Democrats.

    He rightly pointed out the failures and dangers in in many “socialized” health care systems. These system usually provide a low standard of care and lack the excellence of the American system at its best.

    The case for US health care reform is not helped by partisan political opportunists seeking an opportunity to score political advantage.

    Leftist political ideology is not interested in providing “affordable” health care for all, just ensuring those whom the left hate don’t receive a standard of excellence.

    Leftist ideology is all about making everyone equally miserable and impoverished in the name of ‘”equality”. It’s the ideology of envy, spite and jealousy.

    In America it seems to be reinforced by older concepts ideals inherited from the Puritan killjoys.

    Evil? Of course opponents of the left must be evil, because the are such a paragons of virtue………